

我们有一个SPA,它有一个.NET核心Web API后端。有一个API端点/api/feedItems,它返回一个"提要项"列表,大致相当于事件日志。


export enum FeedItemType {
undefined = "undefined",
foo = "foo",
bar = "bar"
export class FeedItemModel {
id: number;
createdUtcTimestamp: Date;
feedType: FeedItemType;
feedData: {} // object? any?

这里的想法是,所有提要项都将具有特定的元数据,包括id、时间戳、提要类型标识符和有效负载。实际有效载荷内容将基于CCD_ 2而不同。


"name":"this is a foo type feed",
"description":"This foo feed is describing an event of type 'foo'"




<div class="feed-item-container" *ngFor="let feedItem of feedItemList; let i = index;">
<div class="feed-item">
<div class="timestamp-display">{{feedItem.createdUtcTimestamp}}</div>
<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'foo'", 
possibly ngIf or ngSwitch, but I'd prefer to not 
have to explicitly check for each type -->
<feed-item-foo (I have no idea how to pass the feedData to this component) />
<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'bar'" -->
<feed-item-bar (again, this is a mystery what should go here) />
<!-- equivalent of "if can't match on feedType" -->
<feed-item-generic (something) />





<div class="feed-item-container" *ngFor="let feedItem of feedItemList; let i = index;">
<div class="feed-item">
<div class="timestamp-display">{{feedItem.createdUtcTimestamp}}</div>
<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'foo'", 
possibly ngIf or ngSwitch, but I'd prefer to not 
have to explicitly check for each type -->
<!-- i do not know of any alternative, but to make it a bit more readable
you can use <ng-container>
<ng-container *ngIf="feedItem.feedType === 'foo'">
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-foo [data]="feedItem"/>
<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'bar'" -->
<ng-container *ngIf="feedItem.feedType === 'bar'">
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so 
your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-bar [data]="feedItem"/>
<!-- equivalent of "if can't match on feedType" -->
<!-- that is a bit of a pain in the ... --> 
<ng-container *ngIf='!foo && !bar && !xyz'>
<feed-item-generic (something) />


export class FeedItemBase implements OnInit {
@Input() data = <YourType>null; // that is a little hack to get the type 
// correct (was some bug in a angular 4 version as far as i remember)
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
// if needed .. if not, delete it :)


export class FeedItemFoo extends FeedItemBase implements OnInit {
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
// here you can access data already 


<div class="feed-item-container" *ngFor="let feedItem of feedItemList; let i = index;">
<div class="feed-item">
<div class="timestamp-display">{{feedItem.createdUtcTimestamp}}</div>
<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'foo'", 
possibly ngIf or ngSwitch, but I'd prefer to not 
have to explicitly check for each type -->
<!-- i do not know of any alternative, but to make it a bit more readable
you can use <ng-template>
<ng-container *ngIf="feedItem.feedType === 'foo'; then fooId;else barId"> 
<ng-template #fooId>
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-bar [data]="feedItem"/>
<!-- equivalent of "if feedItem.feedType == 'bar'" -->
<ng-template #barId>
<!-- you can create your own component and add an @Input() data, so 
your component will know what it is dealing with (see example below)
<feed-item-foo [data]="feedItem"/>
<!-- equivalent of "if can't match on feedType" -->
<!-- that is a bit of a pain in the ... --> 
<ng-container *ngIf='!foo && !bar && !xyz'>
<feed-item-generic (something) />

