
  • 本文关键字:longjmp c-setjmp c setjmp
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#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define COUNTER_END   6
void routineA( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB );
void routineB( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB );
int main() {
const char message[] = "main      [ &envA=0x^%016lx &envB=0x^%016lx ]  -- %sn";
jmp_buf envA;
jmp_buf envB;
fprintf( stdout, message, &envA, &envB,
"Started; Before calling routineA" );
routineA( &envA, &envB );
fprintf( stdout, message, &envA, &envB,
"After routineA returned; Exiting" );
return 0;
/* Prints even numbers from COUNTER_BEGIN to COUNTER_END */
void routineA( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB ) {
const char* message = "routineA: [ i=%d, sjr=%d ]  -- %sn";
static int i;
static int sjr;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvA;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvB;
s_pEnvA = pEnvA;
s_pEnvB = pEnvB;
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "After saving statics; Before starting the for loop" );
for( i = COUNTER_BEGIN; i < COUNTER_END; i++ ) {
if( i % 2 == COUNTER_BEGIN + 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "Inside for and if; Before setjmp" );
sjr = setjmp( *s_pEnvA );           /* Added */
if( sjr == 0 ) {                    /* Added */
/* if( ( sjr = setjmp( *s_pEnvA ) ) == 0 ) { */
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "Got to this line directly - go to routineB somehow" );
if( i == 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "This is the first iteration - call routineB as function" );
routineB( s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "This is not the first iteration - longjmp to routineB" );
longjmp( *s_pEnvB, 12 );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "After the for loop, Before leaving the function" );
/* Prints odd numbers from COUNTER_BEGIN to COUNTER_END */
void routineB( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB ) {
const char* message = "routineB: [ i=%d, sjr=%d ]  -- %sn";
static int i;
static int sjr;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvA;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvB;
s_pEnvA = pEnvA;
s_pEnvB = pEnvB;
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "After saving statics; Before starting the for loop" );
for( i = COUNTER_BEGIN; i < COUNTER_END; i++ ) {
if( i % 2 == 1 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "Inside for and if; Before setjmp" );
sjr = setjmp( *s_pEnvB );           /* Added */
if( sjr == 0 ) {                    /* Added */
/* if( ( sjr = setjmp( *s_pEnvB ) ) == 0 ) { */
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "Got to this line directly - longjmp to routineA" );
longjmp( *s_pEnvA, 21 );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineA) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */
fprintf( stdout, message, i, sjr, "After the for loop, Before leaving the function" );


01 main      [ &envA=0x^00007ffce81b0280 &envB=0x^00007ffce81b01b0 ]  -- Started; Before calling routineA
02 routineA: [ i=0, sjr=0 ]  -- After saving statics; Before starting the for loop
03 routineA: [ i=0, sjr=0 ]  -- Inside for and if; Before setjmp
04 routineA: [ i=0, sjr=0 ]  -- Got to this line directly - go to routineB somehow
05 routineA: [ i=0, sjr=0 ]  -- This is the first iteration - call routineB as function
06 routineB: [ i=0, sjr=0 ]  -- After saving statics; Before starting the for loop
07 routineB: [ i=1, sjr=0 ]  -- Inside for and if; Before setjmp
08 routineB: [ i=1, sjr=0 ]  -- Got to this line directly - longjmp to routineA
09 routineA: [ i=0, sjr=21 ]  -- Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue
10 routineA: [ i=2, sjr=21 ]  -- Inside for and if; Before setjmp
11 routineA: [ i=2, sjr=0 ]  -- Got to this line directly - go to routineB somehow
12 routineA: [ i=2, sjr=0 ]  -- This is not the first iteration - longjmp to routineB
13 routineA: [ i=2, sjr=21 ]  -- Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue
14 routineA: [ i=4, sjr=21 ]  -- Inside for and if; Before setjmp
15 routineA: [ i=4, sjr=0 ]  -- Got to this line directly - go to routineB somehow
16 routineA: [ i=4, sjr=0 ]  -- This is not the first iteration - longjmp to routineB
17 routineA: [ i=4, sjr=21 ]  -- Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue
18 routineA: [ i=6, sjr=21 ]  -- After the for loop, Before leaving the function
19 main      [ &envA=0x^00007ffce81b0280 &envB=0x^00007ffce81b01b0 ]  -- After routineA returned; Exiting

输出在第12:This is not the first iteration - longjmp to routineB行之前都是正常的,但是,在这之后,它应该转到routineB,并打印Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineA) - continue,但它停留在routineA中,并显示Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue



根据Eric Postpischil的回答的第一部分修改了代码:我认为现在它适合最后一个要点,因为赋值语句就是表达式语句。我收到了相同的结果(除了不同的指针值(。

好的,我用替换了sjr = setjmp( *s_pEnvA );(以及routineB的相应部分(

sjr = -1;
switch( setjmp( *s_pEnvA ) ) {
case  0: sjr =  0; break;
case  1: sjr =  1; break;
case 12: sjr = 12; break;
case 21: sjr = 21; break;
default: sjr = -2; break;





#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined( SORTOFWORKS )
#define CHECKPOINTFORMAT "routineX:n  -- %snn"
#elif defined( DOESNOTWORK )
#define CHECKPOINTFORMAT message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr
#error Version (SORTOFWORKS or DOESNOTWORK) is not defined
#define                STRINGIFY_IMPLEMENTATION( x ) #x
#define COUNTER_END   6
void routineA( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB );
void routineB( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB );
int main() {
const char message[] = "main      [ &envA=0x^%016lx &envB=0x^%016lx ]n  -- %snn";
jmp_buf envA;
jmp_buf envB;
fprintf( stdout, message, &envA, &envB,
"Started; Before calling routineA the first time" );
routineA( &envA, &envB );
fprintf( stdout, message, &envA, &envB,
"Before calling routineA the second time" );
routineA( &envA, &envB );
fprintf( stdout, message, &envA, &envB,
"Exiting" );
return 0;
/* Prints even numbers from COUNTER_BEGIN to COUNTER_END */
void routineA( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB ) {
const char* const message = "routineA: [ pEnvA=0x^%016lx, pEnvB=0x^%016lx, s_pEnvA=0x^%016lx, s_pEnvB=0x^%016lx, i=%d, sjr=%d ]n"
"  -- %snn";
static int i;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvA;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvB;
static int sjr;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Called; Before saving statics" );
s_pEnvA = pEnvA;
s_pEnvB = pEnvB;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"After saving statics; Before starting the counting" );
fprintf( stdout, CHECKPOINTFORMAT,
"Checkpoint A0 at line " STRINGIFY( __LINE__ ) );
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Part of counting; Before setjmp" );
sjr = -1;
switch( setjmp( *s_pEnvA ) ) {
case  0: sjr =  0; break;
case  1: sjr =  1; break;
case 12: sjr = 12; break;
case 21: sjr = 21; break;
default: sjr = -2; break;
if( sjr == 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line directly - This is the first iteration - call routineB as function" );
routineB( s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */
fprintf( stdout, CHECKPOINTFORMAT,
"Checkpoint A1 at line " STRINGIFY( __LINE__ ) );
i += 2;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Part of counting; Before setjmp" );
sjr = -1;
switch( setjmp( *s_pEnvA ) ) {
case  0: sjr =  0; break;
case  1: sjr =  1; break;
case 12: sjr = 12; break;
case 21: sjr = 21; break;
default: sjr = -2; break;
if( sjr == 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line directly - This is not the first iteration - longjmp to routineB" );
longjmp( *s_pEnvB, 12 );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */
fprintf( stdout, CHECKPOINTFORMAT,
"Checkpoint A2 at line " STRINGIFY( __LINE__ ) );
i += 2;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Part of counting; Before setjmp" );
sjr = -1;
switch( setjmp( *s_pEnvA ) ) {
case  0: sjr =  0; break;
case  1: sjr =  1; break;
case 12: sjr = 12; break;
case 21: sjr = 21; break;
default: sjr = -2; break;
if( sjr == 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line directly - This is not the first iteration - longjmp to routineB" );
longjmp( *s_pEnvB, 12 );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineB) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */
fprintf( stdout, CHECKPOINTFORMAT,
"Checkpoint A3 at line " STRINGIFY( __LINE__ ) );
/* Should be able to do this but it causes segfault: longjmp( *s_pEnvB, 12 ); */
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"After the counting, Before leaving the function" );
/* Prints odd numbers from COUNTER_BEGIN to COUNTER_END */
void routineB( jmp_buf* pEnvA, jmp_buf* pEnvB ) {
const char* const message = "routineB: [ pEnvA=0x^%016lx, pEnvB=0x^%016lx, s_pEnvA=0x^%016lx, s_pEnvB=0x^%016lx, i=%d, sjr=%d ]n"
"  -- %snn";
static int i;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvA;
static jmp_buf *s_pEnvB;
static int sjr;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Called; Before saving statics" );
s_pEnvA = pEnvA;
s_pEnvB = pEnvB;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"After saving statics; Before starting the for loop" );
fprintf( stdout, CHECKPOINTFORMAT,
"Checkpoint B0 at line " STRINGIFY( __LINE__ ) );
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Part of counting; Before setjmp" );
sjr = -1;
switch( setjmp( *s_pEnvB ) ) {
case  0: sjr =  0; break;
case  1: sjr =  1; break;
case 12: sjr = 12; break;
case 21: sjr = 21; break;
default: sjr = -2; break;
if( sjr == 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line directly - longjmp to routineA" );
longjmp( *s_pEnvA, 21 );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineA) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */

fprintf( stdout, CHECKPOINTFORMAT,
"Checkpoint B1 at line " STRINGIFY( __LINE__ ) ); /* SORTOFWORKS: printed, DOESNOTWORK: missing */
i += 2;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Part of counting; Before setjmp" );
sjr = -1;
switch( setjmp( *s_pEnvB ) ) {
case  0: sjr =  0; break;
case  1: sjr =  1; break;
case 12: sjr = 12; break;
case 21: sjr = 21; break;
default: sjr = -2; break;
if( sjr == 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line directly - longjmp to routineA" );
longjmp( *s_pEnvA, 21 );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineA) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */

fprintf( stdout, CHECKPOINTFORMAT,
"Checkpoint B2 at line " STRINGIFY( __LINE__ ) ); /* SORTOFWORKS: printed, DOESNOTWORK: missing */
i += 2;
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Part of counting; Before setjmp" );
sjr = -1;
switch( setjmp( *s_pEnvB ) ) {
case  0: sjr =  0; break;
case  1: sjr =  1; break;
case 12: sjr = 12; break;
case 21: sjr = 21; break;
default: sjr = -2; break;
if( sjr == 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line directly - longjmp to routineA" );
longjmp( *s_pEnvA, 21 );
} else {
fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"Got to this line via longjmp (in this program it must be from routineA) - continue" );
; /* Just continue */

fprintf( stdout, message, pEnvA, pEnvB, s_pEnvA, s_pEnvB, i, sjr,
"After the for loop, Before leaving the function" );

如果你用gcc -DSORTOFWORKS -o ./jump_sortofworks ./jump.c编译上面的内容,那么它会打印用注释/* SORTOFWORKS: printed, DOESNOTWORK: missing */标记的行,但如果你用gcc -DDOESNOTWORK -o ./jump_doesnotwork ./jump.c编译它,那么它就不会了(编译器:GNU C11(Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1(版本6.3.0 20170516(x86_64-linux-GNU((。


首先,对setjmp的调用行为不由C标准定义,因为它们违反了C 2018 4和5:中的约束




--一元CCD_ 10运算符的操作数,其结果表达式是选择或迭代语句的整个控制表达式;或



例如,在if( ( sjr = setjmp( *s_pEnvA ) ) == 0 )中,setjmp调用不是整个控制表达式,也不是关系运算符或等式运算符(<<=>>===!=(的操作数,也不是!的操作数和表达式语句的整个表达式。

其次,longjmp只能向上跳转到仍在执行的函数的调用堆栈。一旦对函数的调用停止执行(当它返回时(,就不能跳回该调用。您的代码将上下文保存在routineB中,然后跳到routineA(结束routineB的执行(,然后尝试跳到保存的上下文。但是C 2018 2,关于longjmp说:

