
number = int(input("please choose your number: ")) 
while number > number_to_guess: 
number = int(input("Your guess is wrong it was bigger then the generated number, try again: "))
while number < number_to_guess : 
number = int(input("Your guess was wrong it was smaller then the generated number, try again: "))
if number == number_to_guess:
print("Congrats you won")
restart = input("Do you want to play again? if yes type y, if not you can close the window n")



number = int(input("please choose your number: "))
number_to_guess = 5
while number != number_to_guess:
if number > number_to_guess:
number = int(input("Your guess is wrong it was bigger then the generated number, try again: "))
if number < number_to_guess :
number = int(input("Your guess was wrong it was smaller then the generated number, try again: "))
print("Congrats you won")
restart = input("Do you want to play again? if yes type y, if not you can close the window n")
