
我正在尝试使用httpx.AsyncClient设置pytest,并使用FastAPI设置sqlalchemy AsyncSession。除了异步的东西之外,所有的东西实际上都模仿了FastAPI Fullstack repo中的测试。




from typing import Dict, Generator, Callable
import asyncio
from fastapi import FastAPI
import pytest
# from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from httpx import AsyncClient
import os
import warnings
import sqlalchemy as sa
from alembic.config import Config
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

async def get_test_session() -> Generator:
test_engine = create_async_engine(
settings.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI + '_test',

# expire_on_commit=False will prevent attributes from being expired
# after commit.
async_sess = sessionmaker(
test_engine, expire_on_commit=False, class_=AsyncSession
async with async_sess() as sess, sess.begin():    
yield sess
async def async_session() -> Generator:
test_engine = create_async_engine(
settings.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI + '_test',
pool_size=20, max_overflow=0

# expire_on_commit=False will prevent attributes from being expired
# after commit.
async_sess = sessionmaker(
test_engine, expire_on_commit=False, class_=AsyncSession
yield async_sess
async def insert_initial_data(async_session:Callable):
async with async_session() as session, session.begin():
# insert first superuser - basic CRUD ops to insert data in test db
await insert_first_superuser(session)
# insert test.superuser@example.com
await insert_first_test_user(session)
# inserts test.user@example.com
def app(insert_initial_data) -> FastAPI:
return  FastAPI()

async def client(app: FastAPI) -> Generator:
from app.api.deps import get_session

app.dependency_overrides[get_session] = get_test_session

async with AsyncClient(
app=app, base_url="http://test", 
) as ac:
yield ac
# reset dependencies
app.dependency_overrides = {}


async def authentication_token_from_email(
client: AsyncClient,  session: AsyncSession,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
Return a valid token for the user with given email.


email = 'test.user@example.com'
password = 'test.user.password'

user = await crud.user.get_by_email(session, email=email)
assert user is not None

data = {"username": email, "password": password}
response = await client.post(f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/auth/access-token", 
auth_token = response.cookies.get('access_token')
assert auth_token is not None
return auth_token


async def authentication_token_from_email(
client: AsyncClient, session: AsyncSession,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
Return a valid token for the user with given email.
If the user doesn't exist it is created first.

email = random_email()
password = random_lower_string()

user = await crud.user.get_by_email(session, email=email)
if not user:
user_in_create = UserCreate(email=email, 
user = await crud.user.create(session, obj_in=user_in_create)

user_in_update = UserUpdate(password=password)
user = await crud.user.update(session, db_obj=user, obj_in=user_in_update)
assert user is not None
# works fine up to this point, user inserted successfully
# now try to send http request to fetch token, and user is not found in the db

data = {"username": email, "password": password}
response = await client.post(f"{settings.API_V1_STR}/auth/access-token", 
auth_token = response.cookies.get('access_token')
# returns None. 
return auth_token




async def get_test_session() -> Generator:
test_engine = create_async_engine(
settings.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI + '_test',

# expire_on_commit=False will prevent attributes from being expired
# after commit.
async_sess = sessionmaker(
test_engine, expire_on_commit=False, class_=AsyncSession
async with async_sess() as sess, sess.begin():    
yield sess
async def client(app: FastAPI) -> Generator:
from app.api.deps import get_session

app.dependency_overrides[get_session] = get_test_session

async with AsyncClient(
app=app, base_url="http://test", 
) as ac:
yield ac
# reset dependencies
app.dependency_overrides = {}


async def session(async_session) -> Generator:
async with async_session() as sess, sess.begin():
yield sess

async def client(app: FastAPI, session:AsyncSession) -> Generator:
from app.api.deps import get_session

# this needs to be defined inside this fixture
# this is generate that yields session retrieved from `session` fixture

def get_sess(): 
yield session

app.dependency_overrides[get_session] =  get_sess

async with AsyncClient(
app=app, base_url="http://test", 
) as ac:
yield ac
app.dependency_overrides = {}

