

Sub ReadFile()
Dim mapping As New Mapping()
Dim variable As New MappingVariable()
Dim P, line, startPosition, totalLength, id, name, number As String
Dim m As Match
Dim reader As New StreamReader("......FileName.myp", System.Text.Encoding.Default)
line = reader.ReadLine
If line Is Nothing Then Continue Do
m = Regex.Match(line, "^[(w+)]")
P = m.Groups(1).ToString()
mapping.P = P
' Grab that code
If m.Groups.Count > 1 Then
' Read the next line after the code and get the 4 digits
line = reader.ReadLine
m = Regex.Match(line, "ID=ww(wwww)")
id = m.Groups(1).ToString()
mapping.id = ID
' Then keep reading until the next blank line
line = reader.ReadLine
If line Is Nothing Then Continue Do
m = Regex.Match(line, ".*?(d+),(d+).*?""(.+?)"".*?(d+) .*")
If m.Groups.Count > 1 Then
startPosition = m.Groups(1).ToString()
variable.startPosition = startPosition
totalLength = m.Groups(2).ToString()
variable.totalLength = totalLength
name = m.Groups(3).ToString()
variable.name = Name
number = m.Groups(4).ToString()
variable.number = number
End If
Loop Until line = ""
End If
Loop Until line Is Nothing
Console.WriteLine($"{mapping.p} - P")
Console.WriteLine($"{mapping.id} - ID")
For Each variables As MappingVariable In mapping.Variables
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.startPosition} - startPosition")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.totalLength} - totalLength")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.name} - name")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.number} - number")
End Sub


Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'New code to return a mapping object in order to write the desired output.
Dim Test As New List(Of Mapping)
'The code used to call the reader
Dim Testing = New ReadFile
End Sub




Public Class MappingVariable
Public Property StartPosition As String
Public Property TotalLength As String
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Number As String
End Class


Public Class Mapping
Public Property P As String
Public Property Id As String
Public Property Variables As New List(Of MappingVariable)()
End Class


Dim mapping As New Mapping()
mapping.P = p
mapping.Id = id


Dim variable As New MappingVariable()
variable.StartPosition = startPosition
variable.TotalLength = totalLength 
variable.Name = name 
variable.Number = number 

目前尚不清楚该文件是包含多个映射还是仅包含一个映射。如果它只包含一个,那么可以让函数返回一个Mapping对象。如果它可以包含多个,那么可以在填充它们之后将它们添加到列表中,然后让函数返回一个List(Of Mapping)对象。


Console.WriteLine($"{mapping.P} - P")
Console.WriteLine($"{mapping.Id} - ID")
For Each(variable As MappingVariable in mapping.Variables)
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.StartPosition} - startPosition")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.TotalLength} - totalLength")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.Name} - name")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.Number} - number")




Function ReadFile() As List(Of Mapping)  ' Note that I changed this to a function and I have it returning a list of mappings
Dim mappings As New List(Of Mapping)()
Dim P, line, startPosition, totalLength, id, name, number As String
Dim m As Match
Dim reader As New StreamReader("......FileName.myp", System.Text.Encoding.Default)
Dim mapping As New Mapping()  ' Create a new mapping object for each one in the file rather than only creating it once at the top of the function
line = reader.ReadLine
If line Is Nothing Then Continue Do
m = Regex.Match(line, "^[(w+)]")
P = m.Groups(1).ToString()
mapping.P = P
' Grab that code
If m.Groups.Count > 1 Then
' Read the next line after the code and get the 4 digits
line = reader.ReadLine
m = Regex.Match(line, "ID=ww(wwww)")
id = m.Groups(1).ToString()
mapping.id = ID
' Then keep reading until the next blank line
line = reader.ReadLine
If line Is Nothing Then Continue Do
m = Regex.Match(line, ".*?(d+),(d+).*?""(.+?)"".*?(d+) .*")
If m.Groups.Count > 1 Then
Dim variable As New MappingVariable()  ' Create a new variable object for each Var= line rather than just creating one at the top of the function
startPosition = m.Groups(1).ToString()
variable.startPosition = startPosition
totalLength = m.Groups(2).ToString()
variable.totalLength = totalLength
name = m.Groups(3).ToString()
variable.name = Name
number = m.Groups(4).ToString()
variable.number = number
mapping.Variables.Add(variable)  ' Add this populated variable to this mapping's list of variables
End If
Loop Until line = ""
mappings.Add(mapping)  ' Add this populated mapping to the list
End If
Loop Until line Is Nothing
Return mappings  ' Return the list of mappings that were read from the file back to whatever was calling this function
End Function

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim mappings As List(Of Mapping) = ReadFile()
For Each mapping As Mapping in mappings
Console.WriteLine($"{mapping.p} - P")
Console.WriteLine($"{mapping.id} - ID")
For Each variables As MappingVariable In mapping.Variables
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.startPosition} - startPosition")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.totalLength} - totalLength")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.name} - name")
Console.WriteLine($"{variable.number} - number")
End Sub
