无法创建"zoom-in and center object"效果



let newStageArea = new Konva.Stage({
container: "mapContainer",
width: canvasWidth ,
height: canvasHeight,
x: 0,
y: 0,
draggable: true,
let newLayerArea = new Konva.Layer({
width: canvasWidth,
height: canvasHeight,
x: 0,
y: 0,
//since we parse object coordinates from an external source 
//that uses a centered origin we have to offset the layer
offset: {
x: -(canvasWidth / 2),
y: -(canvasHeight / 2),


const handleAreaClick = (e) => {
let parkingSpace = e.target;
//Get middle of object no matter its shape
let parkingSpaceBox = parkingSpace.getClientRect({  
relativeTo: layerArea,
let parkingSpaceCenterX = parkingSpaceBox.x + parkingSpaceBox.width / 2;
let parkingSpaceCenterY = -1 * (parkingSpaceBox.y + parkingSpaceBox.height / 2);

//Zoom&center on object
const padding = 10;
const focusZoomScale = Math.min(
windowWidth / (parkingSpaceBox.width + padding * 2),
canvasHeight/ (parkingSpaceBox.height + padding * 2));

x: -parkingSpaceBox.x * focusZoomScale + padding * focusZoomScale,
y: parkingSpaceBox.y * focusZoomScale + padding * focusZoomScale,
scaleX: focusZoomScale,            
scaleY: focusZoomScale




/* Function to scale & position the stage as needed to have 
** the target shape fill the viewport. 
** padding parameter is optional - if given this number 
** of pixels is used as padding around the target shape.
function centerAndFitShape(shape, padding) {

// set padding if not provided.
padding = padding ? padding : 0; 


// raw rect around shape, no padding applied.  
// Note: getClientRect gives size based on scaling, but 
// we want the unscaled size so use 'relativeTo: stage' param 
// to ensure consistent measurements.
shapeRectRaw = shape.getClientRect({relativeTo: stage}), 

// Add padding to make a larger rect - this is what we want to fill the view
shapeRect = {
x: shapeRectRaw.x - padding, 
y: shapeRectRaw.y - padding, 
width: shapeRectRaw.width + (2 * padding),
height: shapeRectRaw.height + (2 * padding)

// Get the space we can see in the web page = size of div containing stage 
// or stage size, whichever is the smaller
viewRect = {
width: stage.width() <  stage.container().offsetWidth ?  stage.width() : stage.container().offsetWidth, 
height: stage.height() < stage.container().offsetHeight ? stage.height() : stage.container().offsetHeight},        

// Get the ratios of target shape v's view space widths and heights
widthRatio = viewRect.width / shapeRect.width,
heightRatio = viewRect.height / shapeRect.height,

// decide on best scale to fit longest side of shape into view
scale = widthRatio > heightRatio  ? heightRatio : widthRatio,

// calculate the final adjustments needed to make 
// the shape centered in the view
centeringAjustment = {
x: (viewRect.width - shapeRect.width * scale)/2, 
y: (viewRect.height - shapeRect.height * scale)/2      

// and the final position is...
finalPosition = {
x: centeringAjustment.x + (-shapeRect.x * scale), 
y: centeringAjustment.y + (-shapeRect.y * scale)

// Apply the final position and scale to the stage.
stage.scale({x: scale, y: scale});


