



struct gaussGenState 
float gauss;
int has_gauss;
void initializeGauss(struct gaussGenState *state)
state->has_gauss = 0;
state->gauss = 0.0;
float gauss(struct gaussGenState *state)
Implementation of Marsaglia's polar method for calculating normally distributed 
gaussian variables
seeding of rand needs to be done outside of function (with srand())
if (state->has_gauss){
const float temp = state->gauss;
state->has_gauss = 0;
state->gauss = 0.0;
return temp;
else {
float f, x1, x2, r2;
do {
x1 = ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX) * 2 - 1;
x2 = ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX) * 2 - 1;
r2 = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2;
} while (r2 >= 1.0 || r2 == 0.0);
f = sqrt(-2.0 * log(r2) / r2);
state->gauss = f * x1;
state->has_gauss = 1;
return f * x2;
float gaussbm(struct gaussGenState *state)
Implementation of Box-Muller method for calculating normally distributed gaussian 
seeding of rand needs to be done outside of function (with srand())
if (state->has_gauss){
const float temp = state->gauss;
state->has_gauss = 0;
state->gauss = 0.0;
return temp;
else {
float u, v, f1, f2;
u = ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX);
v = ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX);
f1 = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u));
f2 = 2*M_PI*v;
state->gauss = f1 * cos(f2);
state->has_gauss = 1;
return f1 * sin(f2);
float gaussInv(void)
Implementation of Inverse cumulative distribution method for calculating normally 
distributed gaussian variables
Approximation relative error less than 1.15 x 10e-9 in the entire region.
seeding of rand needs to be done outside of function (with srand())
float p, q, r;
float a[6] = {-3.969683028665376e+01,  2.209460984245205e+02,
-2.759285104469687e+02,  1.383577518672690e+02,
-3.066479806614716e+01,  2.506628277459239e+00};
float b[5] = {-5.447609879822406e+01,  1.615858368580409e+02,
-1.556989798598866e+02,  6.680131188771972e+01,
float c[6] = {-7.784894002430293e-03, -3.223964580411365e-01,
-2.400758277161838e+00, -2.549732539343734e+00,
4.374664141464968e+00,  2.938163982698783e+00};
float d[4] = { 7.784695709041462e-03,  3.224671290700398e-01,
2.445134137142996e+00,  3.754408661907416e+00};
p = ((float)rand()/RAND_MAX);
if (p < 0.02425){
q = sqrt(-2*log(p));
return ((((((c[0]*q+c[1])*q+c[2])*q+c[3])*q+c[4])*q+c[5]) /
if ((1-0.02425) < p){
q = sqrt(-2*log(1-p));
return -((((((c[0]*q+c[1])*q+c[2])*q+c[3])*q+c[4])*q+c[5]) / 
q = p - 0.5;
r = q*q;
return ((((((a[0]*r+a[1])*r+a[2])*r+a[3])*r+a[4])*r+a[5])*q /




