my_map := make(map[string]string)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg.Add(len(my_map ))
for key := range my_map {
go func(key string) {
defer wg.Done()
stdout, _ := exec.Command(key, "some command").Output()
defer lock.Unlock()
my_map[key] = "updating map value while iterating" // eg stdout
let mut my_map = HashMap::new();
for (key, value) in my_map.iter_mut() {
// Should update map value, tried with crossbeam_utils:thread;
thread::scope(|s| {
s.spawn(|_| {
let cmd = format!("some command {key}"); // will borrow key
let cmd: Vec<&str> = cmd.as_str().split(" ").map(|s| s).collect();
let proc = Popen::create(
PopenConfig {
stdout: Redirection::Pipe,
stdin: Redirection::None,
stderr: Redirection::None,
let mut proc = proc.expect("Failed to create process.");
let (out, _) = proc.communicate(None).unwrap();
let stdout = out.unwrap();
*value = "I will update value with something new";
let mut handles: Vec<std::thread::JoinHandle<()>> = Vec::new();
for (key, value) in my_map.iter_mut() {
handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
let cmd = format!("some command");
let cmd: Vec<&str> = cmd.as_str().split(" ").map(|s| s).collect();
let proc = Popen::create(
PopenConfig {
stdout: Redirection::Pipe,
stdin: Redirection::None,
stderr: Redirection::None,
let mut proc = match proc {
Ok(proc) => proc,
Err(e) => {
panic!("Failed to create process: {:?}", e)
let (out, _) = proc.communicate(None).unwrap();
let stdout = out.unwrap();
*value = "I will update value with something new";
for handle in handles {
handle.join().unwrap(); // This won't block other threads, but it will make sure it can unwrap every thread before it continues. In other words, this only runs as long as your longest running thread.