




class testTest extends Autodesk.Viewing.Extension {
constructor(viewer, options) {
super(viewer, options);
this._group = null;
this._button = null;
load() {
console.log('testTest has been loaded');
return true;
unload() {
// Clean our UI elements if we added any
if (this._group) {
if (this._group.getNumberOfControls() === 0) {
console.log('testTest has been unloaded');
return true;

// The Viewer contains all elements on the model, including categories (e.g. families or part definition), 
//so we need to enumerate the leaf nodes, meaning actual instances on the model.
getAllLeafComponents(callback) {
this.viewer.getObjectTree(function (tree) {
let leaves = [];// an empty 'leaf' list that we want to fill wiith the objects that has no mo children
//dbId== object id
// for each child that we enumerate from a root, call a code , and finally a true /false flag parameter  that run the function recursivly for all the children of a child.
tree.enumNodeChildren(tree.getRootId(), function (dbId) {
if (tree.getChildCount(dbId) === 0) {
leaves.push(dbId);// if the object has no children--> add it to the list.
}, true);// the last argument we past ("true") will make sure that the function in the seccond argument ("function (dbId)(...)" ")will run recursively not only for the children of the roots, 
//but for all the children and childrtn's children.

callback(leaves);//return the leaves 
onToolbarCreated() {
// Create a new toolbar group if it doesn't exist
this._group = this.viewer.toolbar.getControl('allMyAwesomeExtensionsToolbar');//if there is no controller named "allMyAwesomeExtensionsToolbar" create one
if (!this._group) {
this._group = new Autodesk.Viewing.UI.ControlGroup('allMyAwesomeExtensionsToolbar');
this.viewer.toolbar.addControl(this._group);// add the control to tool bar

// Add a new button to the toolbar group
this._button = new Autodesk.Viewing.UI.Button('testTest');
this._button.onClick = (ev) => {

// Check if the panel is created or not
if (this._panel == null) {//check if there is an instance of our pannel. if not- create one
this._panel = new ModelSummaryPanel(this.viewer, this.viewer.container, 'modelSummaryPanel', 'Model Summary');
// Show/hide docking panel
this._panel.setVisible(!this._panel.isVisible());//cal a method from the parent to show/ hide the panel -->use this to toggle from visible to invisible
// If panel is NOT visible, exit the function
if (!this._panel.isVisible())
// First, the viewer contains all elements on the model, including
// categories (e.g. families or part definition), so we need to enumerate
// the leaf nodes, meaning actual instances of the model. The following
// getAllLeafComponents function is defined at the bottom
this.getAllLeafComponents((dbIds) => {// now we have the list of the Id's of all the leaves

// Now for leaf components, let's get some properties and count occurrences of each value
const filteredProps = ['Level','Name','Comments','Area','Type Name'];
// Get only the properties we need for the leaf dbIds
this.viewer.model.getBulkProperties(dbIds,filteredProps , (items) => {
// Iterate through the elements we found

items.forEach((item) => {

// and iterate through each property
item.properties.forEach(function (prop) {
// Use the filteredProps to store the count as a subarray
if (filteredProps[prop.displayName] === undefined)
filteredProps[prop.displayName] = {};
// Start counting: if first time finding it, set as 1, else +1
if (filteredProps[prop.displayName][prop.displayValue] === undefined)
filteredProps[prop.displayName][prop.displayValue] = 1;
filteredProps[prop.displayName][prop.displayValue] += 1;
// Now ready to show!
// The PropertyPanel has the .addProperty that receives the name, value
// and category, that simple! So just iterate through the list and add them
filteredProps.forEach((prop) => {
if (filteredProps[prop] === undefined) return;
Object.keys(filteredProps[prop]).forEach((val) => {
this._panel.addProperty(val, filteredProps[prop][val], prop);
this.dt = new DataTabe(this._panel);

this._button.setToolTip('Or Levis extenssion');





