
strong text以下代码工作正常,但有一点除外。获胜后应播放音频。。即在";滚动骰子";按钮显示变为"0";停止";并且该按钮被禁用。然而,情况正好相反。。那怎么了?应该改变什么?有没有一种方法可以使用Lambda函数顺序调用两个函数?将感谢的帮助


#button and Dice Roll Buttondisplays "Stop". No of attempts also displayed as well.
# Since two Dices are involved other than  "Roll the Dice " button all labels are used twice
# to show the result of these two Dices

import tkinter as tk
import random
from tkinter import *
from playsound2 import playsound
import time

# flashing text part of the code
flash_delay = 500

# msec between colour change
flash_colours = ('Yellow', 'red') # Two colours to swap between

def flashColour(object, colour_index):
object.config(foreground = flash_colours[colour_index])
window.after(flash_delay, flashColour, object, 1 - colour_index)

# roll function called by btn_roll
def roll(a):
lbl_result["text"] = str(random.randint(1, 6))
lbl_resultA["text"] = str(random.randint(1, 6))

if  lbl_result["text"] == "6" and lbl_resultA["text"] == "6":
lbl_result1["text"] = " U Win"
lbl_resultB["text"] = " U Win"     

flashColour(lbl_result1, 0)
flashColour(lbl_resultB, 0)
btn_roll["text"] = "Stop"
btn_roll['state'] = DISABLED
lbl_result1["text"] = "Try Again"        
flashColour(lbl_result1, 0)
lbl_resultB["text"] = "Try Again"
flashColour(lbl_resultB, 0)                  

# Clicked functions to count no  of clicks activated till button displays "Stop".       
count = 0

def clicked(): 
if lbl_result["text"] <= ("6")and lbl_result["text"] <= ("6"):
global count            
count = count + 1            
lbl_result3.configure(text=f'No of clicks = {count} ')

count1 = 0      
def clicked1(): 
if lbl_resultA["text"] <= ("6") and lbl_result["text"] <= ("6"):
global count1            
count1 = count1 + 1            
lbl_resultC.configure(text=f'No of clicks = {count1} ')
return count1           

# play function to play a sound clip once the button displays stop. I want this to happen after the button diplay turns stop and is disabled. But this always happens before that..**
# if no of clicks before reaching 6-6 on both Dices is less than 35 this function plays "good job" audio clip.
#otherwise " finally" clip 
def play(r):                
if  count1 <=35 :
playsound ('C:/Users/mural/C Language/goodjob.mp3')
else: playsound ('C:/Users/mural/C Language/finally.mp3')        

# Main tKinter Block                   
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("DICE GAME")         

window.columnconfigure(3, weight=1, minsize=150)
window.rowconfigure(3, weight=1, minsize=50)
frame = tk.Frame(master=window)
frame1 = tk.Frame(master=window)
frame2= tk.Frame(master=window)
frame3= tk.Frame(master=window)
frame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
frame1.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)
frame2.grid(row=0,column=2,padx=5, pady=5)

btn_roll = tk.Button(master =frame,bg ="YELLOW",fg = "BLUE",text="Roll the Dice ",font= ('ARIAL 15 underline'),width = 12,height =1,relief = tk.RAISED,command=lambda :[roll(a),clicked(),clicked1()],state =  NORMAL)              
lbl_result = tk.Label(master = frame2,width = 2,height =1,text = "HI",bg="GREEN",fg="YELLOW",font = (" ARIAL ITALICS",15))
lbl_resultA = tk.Label(master = frame1,width = 2,height =1,text = "HI",bg="GREEN",fg="YELLOW",font = (" ARIAL ITALICS",15))
lbl_result1 = tk.Label(master =frame2,text = "Start",font = (" ARIAL ITALICS",8),width = 6,height =2,bg="BLUE",fg="YELLOW")        
lbl_resultB = tk.Label(master =frame1,text = "Start",font = (" ARIAL ITALICS",8),width = 6,height =2,bg="BLUE",fg="YELLOW")                
lbl_result3 = tk.Label(master =frame2,text = "No of Attempts",relief = tk.GROOVE,font = (" ARIAL ITALICS",8),width =12,height =1,bg="BLUE",fg="YELLOW")                
lbl_resultC = tk.Label(master =frame1,text = "No of Attempts",relief = tk.GROOVE,font = (" ARIAL ITALICS",8),width =12,height =1,bg="BLUE",fg="YELLOW")        

lbl_result.pack(padx=5, pady=5)       
lbl_result1.pack(padx=5, pady=5)       
lbl_result3.pack(padx=5, pady=5)       
lbl_resultA.pack(padx=5, pady=5)       
lbl_resultB.pack(padx=5, pady=5)       
lbl_resultC.pack(padx=5, pady=5)       



# roll function called by btn_roll
def roll(a):
lbl_result["text"] = str(random.randint(1, 6))
lbl_resultA["text"] = str(random.randint(1, 6))

if  lbl_result["text"] == "6" and lbl_resultA["text"] == "6":
lbl_result1["text"] = " U Win"
lbl_resultB["text"] = " U Win"     

flashColour(lbl_result1, 0)
flashColour(lbl_resultB, 0)
btn_roll["text"] = "Stop"
btn_roll['state'] = DISABLED
window.after(500,play(a)) # using after the sound plays only after display changes
