



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
pad = 1
xn1 = np.linspace(0-(pad*2), 0+(pad*2), 3)
yn1 = np.linspace(0-(pad*2), 0+(pad*2), 3)
print(xn1, yn1)
xn1_list = []
yn1_list = []
xy1_list = []
# Create the coordinates
for p1 in range(0, len(xn1)):
for q1 in range(0, len(yn1)):
for pad1, coord1 in enumerate(zip(xn1_list, yn1_list)):
# Plot
fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,8))
for i in range(0, len(xy1_list)):
# print(len(xy3_list))
ax1.add_patch(Rectangle(xy=(xy1_list[i][0]-(pad*2)/2, xy1_list[i][1]-(pad*2)/2) ,width=pad*2, height=pad*2,
linewidth=1, color='blue', fill=False))
ax1.annotate(i, xy=(xy1_list[i][0], xy1_list[i][1]), textcoords='data', fontsize = 15) 

plt.xticks(np.arange(-3, 3.1, step=1))
plt.yticks(np.arange(-3, 3.1, step=1))
# Current coordinate
X_cur, Y_cur = 0.5,2
plt.scatter(X_cur, Y_cur, color='r', marker='x')
# Iterate every possible box in the list 
for i in range(0,len(xy1_list)):
Xmin_temp, Xmax_temp = xy1_list[i][0]-pad, xy1_list[i][0]+pad
Ymin_temp, Ymax_temp = xy1_list[i][1]-pad, xy1_list[i][1]+pad

# Check if the current coordinate is in one of the boxes
if (Xmin_temp < X_cur <= Xmax_temp) & (Ymin_temp < Y_cur <= Ymax_temp):
print('Current Coordinate is in Box'+str(i)+' with a centre coordinate of ('+str(xy1_list[i][0])+', '+str(xy1_list[i][1])+')')


根据@Green Cloak Guy创意编辑的版本

from math import floor, ceil
subdivisions = {}              # hashtable of subdivisions of the graph
# key format: 2-tuple (x, y)
# value format: 4-tuple (left, right, bottom, top) 
# Plot
fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,8))
for i in range(0, len(xy1_list)):
print('nCenter Coord of the box'+str(i)+' - '+str(xy1_list[i]))
# renaming your variables to be easier to work with
# assuming [x, y] is center of each square
width = height = pad * 2  # note that you could have differently-shaped rectangles
left = xy1_list[i][0] - (width / 2)
right = xy1_list[i][0] + (width / 2)
bottom = xy1_list[i][1] - (height / 2)
top = xy1_list[i][1] + (height / 2)
print('x1:'+str(left)+' x2: '+str(right)+' y1: '+str(bottom)+' y2: '+str(top))
# add rectangle to plot, as you do in your code
plt.scatter(xy1_list[i][0], xy1_list[i][1])
ax1.add_patch(Rectangle(xy=(xy1_list[i][0]-width/2, xy1_list[i][1]-height/2), width=width, height=height,
linewidth=1, color='blue', fill=False))
ax1.annotate(i, xy=(xy1_list[i][0], xy1_list[i][1]), textcoords='data', fontsize = 15) 
# # add rectangle to the appropriate subdivision(s)
x, y = xy1_list[i][0], xy1_list[i][1]
subdivisions.setdefault((x,y), [])
subdivisions[(x,y)].append((left, right, bottom, top))
# Current coordinate
X_cur, Y_cur = 0.5,2
plt.scatter(X_cur, Y_cur, color='r', marker='x')
# find box(es) coordinate is in
# in this case, that would be the box going from (0, 0) to (2, 2), 
#   which, in the coordinate dictionary, would be (0, 0)
boxes_contained = [
for box in subdivisions.get((x,y),[])
if (box[0] <= X_cur <= box[1]) and (box[2] <= Y_cur <= box[3])



from math import floor, ceil
sub_size_x, sub_size_y = 2, 2  # record the size of our subdivisions, e.g. 2x2
subdivisions = {}              # hashtable of subdivisions of the graph
# key format: 2-tuple (x // sub_size_x, y // sub_size_y)
# value format: 4-tuple (left, bottom, width, height)
# Plot
fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,8))
for i in range(0, len(xy1_list)):
# renaming your variables to be easier to work with
# assuming [x, y] is center of each square
width = height = pad * 2  # note that you could have differently-shaped rectangles
left = xylist[i][0] - (width / 2)
bottom = xylist[i][1] - (height / 2)
right = xylist[i][0] + (width / 2)
top = xylist[i][1] + (height / 2)
# add rectangle to plot, as you do in your code
plt.scatter(left + (width / 2), bottom + (height / 2))
ax1.add_patch(Rectangle(xy=(left, top), width=width, height=height,
linewidth=1, color='blue', fill=False))
ax1.annotate(i, xy=(xy1_list[i][0], xy1_list[i][1]), textcoords='data', fontsize = 15) 
# add rectangle to the appropriate subdivision(s)
for x in range(floor(left / sub_size_x), ceil(right / sub_size_x)):
for y in range(floor(bottom / sub_size_y), ceil(top / sub_size_y)):
subdivisions.setdefault((x, y), [])
subdivisions[(x, y)].append((left, bottom, width, height))
# Current coordinate
X_cur, Y_cur = 0.5,2
plt.scatter(X_cur, Y_cur, color='r', marker='x')
# find box(es) coordinate is in
# in this case, that would be the box going from (0, 0) to (2, 2), 
#   which, in the coordinate dictionary, would be (0, 0)
boxes_contained = [
for box in subdivisions.get((X_cur // sub_size_x, Y_cur // sub_size_y), [])
if (box[0] <= X_cur <= box[0] + box[2]) and (box[1] <= Y_cur <= box[1] + box[3])




