E.F Core和Automapper在通过id获取时未获取所有数据

我在ASP.NET Core api中使用EF Core和Auto Mapper,我很难理解为什么当我通过ID获取数据时,我没有获得所有数据。




[HttpGet("{key:int}", Name = "getAsset")]
public async Task<ActionResult<AssetDto>> GetAsset(int key)
var asset = await _context.Assets.Include(c => c.Category)
.Include(m => m.Manufacturer)
.Include(c => c.Condition)
.Include(l => l.Location)
.Include(f => f.AssetFiles)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(i => i.Id == key);

if (asset == null) return NotFound();
var assetDto = _mapper.Map<AssetDto>(asset);
return assetDto;


CreateMap<Asset, AssetDto>().ReverseMap();


public class AssetDto
{   //  Get and sets the Id property
public int Id { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the Name Property and sets it to required
public string Name { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the CategoryId property
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the CategoryName property set it to NotMapped
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the ManufacturerId property
public int ManufacturerId { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the ManufacturerName property set it to NotMapped
public string ManufacturerName { get; set; }
//Gets and sets the Model property
public string Model { get; set; }
//Gets and sets the SerialNumber property
public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the PurchasePlace property
public string PurchasePlace { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the Quantity property
public int Quantity { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the AcquiredDate property
public DateTime AcquiredDate { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the PurchasePrice property/
public float PurchasePrice { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the CurrentValue property
public float CurrentValue { get; set; }
//Gets and sets the ConditionId property
public int ConditionId { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the ConditionName property set it to NotMapped/
public string ConditionName { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the LocationId property
public int LocationId { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the LocationName property set it to NotMapped
public string LocationName { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the RetiredDate property
public DateTime RetiredDate { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the Description property
public string Description { get; set; }
// Gets and sets the Files property set it to NotMapped
public ICollection<AssetFileDto> Files { get; set; } <-- updated


public class Asset
{   // Int property that gets/sets id
public int Id { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets Name
public string Name { get; set; }
//Foreign Key
//Int property that gets/sets category id
public int? CategoryId { get; set; }
// Foreign Key
// Int property that gets/sets Manufacturer id
public int? ManufacturerId { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets model
public string Model { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets serial number
public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets purchase place
public string PurchasePlace { get; set; }
//Int property that gets/sets quantity
public int? Quantity { get; set; }
// Datetime property that gets/sets acquired date
public DateTime AcquiredDate { get; set; }
// Float property that gets/sets purchase price
public float? PurchasePrice { get; set; } 
//Float property that gets/sets current value
public float? CurrentValue { get; set; }
// Foreign Key
// Int property that gets/sets condition id
public int? ConditionId { get; set; }
// Foreign Key
// Int property that gets/sets location id
public int? LocationId { get; set; }
// Datetime property that gets/sets retired date
public DateTime RetiredDate { get; set; }
//String property that gets/sets description
public string Description { get; set; }
// Foreign Key
// Collection of asset files
public ICollection<AssetFile> AssetFiles { get; set; }
// Navigation Property
public Category Category { get; set; }
// Navigation Property
public Manufacturer Manufacturer { get; set; }
// Navigation Property
public Condition Condition { get; set; }
//Navigation Property
public Location Location { get; set; }

我缺少的数据是CategoryName、ManufacturerName、ConditionName LocationName和连接到资产的所有资产文件





public class AssetFileDto
// Int property that gets/sets the id
public int Id { get; set; }
// Byte property that gets/sets the files
public byte[] Files { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets the name
public string Name { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets the mime type
public string MimeType { get; set; }


public class AssetFile
// Int property that gets/sets the id
public int? Id { get; set; }
// Byte property that gets/sets the File
public byte[] File { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets Name
public string Name { get; set; }
// String property that gets/sets the mime type
public string MimeType { get; set; }
//Int property that gets/sets the asset id 
public int AssetId { get; set; }
// Asset navigation property
public Asset Asset { get; set; }



CreateMap<Asset, AssetDto>()
.ForMember(x => x.CategoryName, x => x.MapFrom(y => y.Category.Name))






private readonly IMapper Mapper;
/* Inject into controller constructor */
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAsset(int key)
var asset = await Db.Assets
.Where(i => i.Id == key)
if (asset == null) return NotFound();
return Json(asset);



public byte[] File { get; set; }



CreateMap<Asset, AssetDto>()
.ForMember(x => x.Files, x => x.MapFrom(y => y.AssetFiles));
CreateMap<AssetFile, AssetFileDto>();
