在Cucumber Gherkin中的同一场景中运行两个用户故事



Given user1 access website
Then user1 add a product to the cart


Given user2 access website
Then user2 add a product to the cart
And user2 complete purchase(关闭用户2的窗口(


Then user1 tries to finalize the purchase and gets a warning that product is no longer available



Given user1 access website
When user1 add a product to the cart
And I open 2nd chrome tab
And user2 access website on 2nd tab
And user2 add a product to the cart
And user2 complete purchase
And I close 2nd chrome tab
And I refresh session on 1st tab
Then user1 can not complete purchase and and see 'product no longer available' warn


Given One item of "ShortProduct" is available 
And the following users are registered
| User Name      |
| James Luckless |
| John  Lucky    |
And "James Luckless" added a "ShortProduct" to the cart
And "John  Lucky" added a "ShortProduct" to the cart
And "John  Lucky" completed the purchase
When "James Luckless" attempts to finalize the purchase 
Then "James Luckless" gets a warning that "ShortProduct" is no longer available 
