if (raid == "gos")
if (day == "Sun")
var filename = "gos_Sun.png";
var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
Title = "Garden of Salvation",
Description = "```" + day + ", " + date + " @ " + time + " " + ampm + " " + "n" + description + "```" + description2,
ImageUrl = $"attachment://{filename}",
SentEmbed = await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(filename, embed: embed);
await SentEmbed.AddReactionsAsync(myReactions);
var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder().WithText("React Below");
if (raid == "gos")
if (day == "Sun")
var filename = "gos_Sun.png";
var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
Title = "Garden of Salvation",
Description = "```" + day + ", " + date + " @ " + time + " " + ampm + " " + "n" + description + "```" + description2,
ImageUrl = $"attachment://{filename}",