如何在自定义 Strapi 控制器中填充"user"关系,而不公开所有用户的"find"?



async find(ctx) {
const entries = await strapi.entityService.findMany('api::article.article', {
populate: {
user: {fields: ['username']}
const sanitizedEntries = await this.sanitizeOutput(entries, ctx);
return this.transformResponse(sanitizedEntries);





  1. 将strapi-server.js添加到用户权限插件中。(更多信息此处为主题(
  2. 添加一个中间件。(例如使用yarn strapi generate(
  3. 在中间件中实现对象净化例如:
// sanitizer function
const sanitizeItem = (item, user) => {
// check if user is not undefined
if (user) {
// check if user id is same as the item.id (user from request)
if (user.id === item.id) {
// if it's same return full object
return item;
// TODO: rename hiddenField to the field you want to hide
let { hiddenField, ...rest } = item;
return rest;


'use strict';
* `user-sanitization` middleware
module.exports = (config, { strapi }) => {
return async (ctx, next) => {
// before controller
await next();
// after controller
// we need to check if the reponse is correct, 
// otherwise we will have error message in the data
if (ctx.response.status === 200) {
// get the authenticated user, if no user - undefined
const { user } = ctx.state;
// get data from response
let data = ctx.response.body;
// check if data is array
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
// run sanitize function for each element
data = data.map(item => sanitizeItem(item, user))
} else {
// else run for single item
data = sanitizeItem(data, user);
// apply result to response
ctx.response.body = data;
// sanitizer function
const sanitizeItem = (item, user) => {
// check if user is not undefined
if (user) {
// check if user id is same as the item.id (user from request)
if (user.id === item.id) {
// if it's same return full object
return item;
// else extract email from object
let { email, ...rest } = item;
return rest;

