确定排序序列中是否存在两个整数X和Y,使得XNOR Y=-1,最有效的方法是什么


Given a sequence of positive integers, SEQ, sorted in ascending order, design and
implement an algorithm with Python to determine if there exist two integers X and Y in
the sorted sequence such that X XNOR Y = -1.
For example, if SEQ is provided to your program as follows:
1 2 3 3 4 4 4 10 10 10
The sample output is given below:
X=3, Y=3
X=4, Y=4
X=4, Y=4
X=4, Y=4
X=10, Y=10
X=10, Y=10
X=10, Y=10
Total match is 7.



import math, itertools
data = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 10, 10, 10]
total = 0
for k, g in itertools.groupby(data):
combinations = math.comb(len(list(g)), 2)
total += combinations
print(f"X={k}, Y={k}n"*combinations, end="")
print("Total =", total)

对于int XNOR int = -1,整数必须相同(仅当两个整数相同时为int^int=0,并且为~0 == -1(。



X=3, Y=3
X=4, Y=4
X=4, Y=4
X=4, Y=4
X=10, Y=10
X=10, Y=10
X=10, Y=10
Total = 7
