

def combine[A](expression: Expression, runners: List[Runner[A]]): Runner[A] = {
val labelToHashmap = runners.map(runner=> (runner.label.get, runner)).toMap
def reduceExpression(e: Expression): Runner[A] = {
e match {
case Label(_, value) => labelToHashmap(value)
case Tree(_, operation, left, right) =>
operation match {
case AND =>  reduceExpression(left).and(reduceExpression(right))
case OR => reduceExpression(left).or(reduceExpression(right))



我想说,最好将堆栈中的篡改比特考虑到可重复使用的数据结构中并使用它。CCD_ 1类型就是这样一种数据结构。

import cats.Eval
import cats.syntax.all._
def combine[A](
expression: Expression,
runners: List[Runner[A]]
): Runner[A] = {
val labelToHashmap = runners.fproductLeft(_.label.get).toMap
def reduceExpression(e: Expression): Eval[Runner[A]] =
Eval.now(e).flatMap {
case Label(_, value) => labelToHashmap(value)
case Tree(_, operation, left, right) =>
operation match {
case AND =>
).mapN(_ and _)
case OR =>
).mapN(_ or _)




def combine[A](expression: Expression, runners: List[Runner[A]]): Runner[A] = {
val labelToRunner = runners.map(runner => (runner.label.get, runner)).toMap

sealed trait Element
case class Op(operation: Operation) extends Element
case class Expr(expression: Expression) extends Element
case class Result(runner: Runner[A]) extends Element
def reduce(stack: List[Element]): Runner[A] = {
def expand(expression: Expression): List[Element] = expression match {
case Label(_, value) =>
case Tree(_, operation, left, right)=>
List(Expr(left), Expr(right), Op(operation))
stack match {
case List(Result(runner)) => runner
case Expr(expression) :: rest =>
reduce(expand(expression) ::: rest)
case (left @ Result(_)) :: Expr(expression) :: rest =>
// The subtree we are processing is put on the top of the stack
// Thus when the operation is applied the elements are in reverse order
reduce(expand(expression) ::: left :: rest)
case Result(right) :: Result(left) :: Op(operation) :: rest =>
val combined = operation match {
case AND => left.and(right)
case OR => left.or(right)
reduce(Result(combined) :: rest)


Expr(((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4) AND ((5 OR 6) AND 7))
Expr((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Expr(1 AND (2 OR 3)), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Expr(1), Expr(2 OR 3), Op(AND), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Result(1), Expr(2 OR 3), Op(AND), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Expr(2), Expr(3), Op(OR), Result(1), Op(AND), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Result(2), Expr(3), Op(OR), Result(1), Op(AND), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Result(3), Result(2), Op(OR), Result(1), Op(AND), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Result(2 OR 3), Result(1), Op(AND), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Result(1 AND (2 OR 3)), Expr(4), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Result(4), Result(1 AND (2 OR 3)), Op(OR), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Expr((5 OR 6) AND 7), Op(AND)
Expr(5 OR 6), Expr(7), Op(AND), Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Op(AND)
Expr(5), Expr(6), Op(OR), Expr(7), Op(AND), Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Op(AND)
Result(5), Expr(6), Op(OR), Expr(7), Op(AND), Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Op(AND)
Result(6), Result(5), Op(OR), Expr(7), Op(AND), Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Op(AND)
Result(5 OR 6), Expr(7), Op(AND), Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Op(AND)
Result(7), Result(5 OR 6), Op(AND), Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Op(AND)
Result((5 OR 6) AND 7), Result((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4), Op(AND)
Result(((1 AND (2 OR 3)) OR 4) AND ((5 OR 6) AND 7))
