Sonar Qube为Ubuntu扫描.NET项目取得了成功,但没有分析任何问题

我在Ubuntu上为Sonar Scanner和Sonar Scanners本身配置了MSBuild,在几天内多次撞墙后,我获得了一些富有成效的结果,因此我能够扫描。NET项目在Ubuntu上,它没有显示任何错误。开始步骤很好,构建也很成功,它说它正在收集分析报告并完成……但没有生成报告。我确信存在问题,因为为了测试,我将易受攻击的项目交给了扫描仪。版本信息如下

  1. 声纳Qube-
  2. 声纳扫描仪4.6.1.2450
  3. Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
  4. 。NET Core 5.0.301


dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"'myProjectKey'" /"http://localhost:9000"
dotnet build "myProject.sln"
dotnet sonarscanner end


SonarScanner for MSBuild 5.2.2
Using the .NET Core version of the Scanner for MSBuild
Post-processing started.
Calling the SonarScanner CLI...
INFO: Scanner configuration file: /home/ubuntu/.dotnet/tools/.store/dotnet-sonarscanner/5.2.2/dotnet-sonarscanner/5.2.2/tools/net5.0/any/sonar-scanner-
INFO: Project root configuration file: ./.sonarqube/out/
INFO: SonarScanner
INFO: Java 11.0.11 Ubuntu (64-bit)
INFO: Linux 5.8.0-1035-aws amd64
INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
INFO: Scanner configuration file: /home/ubuntu/.dotnet/tools/.store/dotnet-sonarscanner/5.2.2/dotnet-sonarscanner/5.2.2/tools/net5.0/any/sonar-scanner-
INFO: Project root configuration file: ./.sonarqube/out/
INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server 8.6.1
INFO: Default locale: "en", source code encoding: "UTF-8" (analysis is platform dependent)
INFO: Load global settings
INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=80ms
INFO: Server id: BF41A1F2-AXnr4GgQhOwzgJl08ZuM
INFO: User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
INFO: Load/download plugins
INFO: Load plugins index
INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=47ms
INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=123ms
INFO: Process project properties
INFO: Process project properties (done) | time=13ms
INFO: Execute project builders
INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=32ms
INFO: Project key: VulnerableCoreApp.sln
INFO: Base dir: ./
INFO: Working dir: ./.sonarqube/out/.sonar
INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'VulnerableCoreApp.sln'
INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'VulnerableCoreApp.sln' (done) | time=13ms
INFO: Load quality profiles
INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=35ms
INFO: Load active rules
INFO: Load active rules (done) | time=1017ms
INFO: Indexing files...
INFO: Project configuration:
INFO: Indexing files of module 'VulnerableCoreApp'
INFO: Base dir: ./
INFO: Source paths: Controllers/CrossSiteScriptingController.cs, Controllers/Home...
INFO: Indexing files of module 'VulnerableCoreApp.sln'
INFO: Base dir: ./
INFO: 0 files indexed
INFO: 72 files ignored because of scm ignore settings
INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module VulnerableCoreApp
INFO: Load metrics repository
INFO: Load metrics repository (done) | time=25ms
INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily]
INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=1ms
INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=3ms
INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=3ms
INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java]
INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=1ms
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet]
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=1ms
INFO: ------------- Run sensors on module VulnerableCoreApp.sln
INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily]
INFO: No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
INFO: Sensor CSS Rules [cssfamily] (done) | time=1ms
INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
INFO: 'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
INFO: No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
INFO: Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=1ms
INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
INFO: Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=1ms
INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java]
INFO: Sensor JavaXmlSensor [java] (done) | time=0ms
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet]
INFO: Sensor VB.NET Properties [vbnet] (done) | time=0ms
INFO: ------------- Run sensors on project
INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=0ms
INFO: CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 0 files
INFO: CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=0ms
INFO: Analysis report generated in 116ms, dir size=86 KB
INFO: Analysis report compressed in 9ms, zip size=11 KB
INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 25ms
INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse http://localhost:9000/dashboard?id=VulnerableCoreApp.sln
INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
INFO: More about the report processing at http://localhost:9000/api/ce/task?id=AXpSC7HGqgJk9aahC7zU
INFO: Analysis total time: 3.296 s
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Total time: 4.402s
INFO: Final Memory: 7M/34M
INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The SonarScanner CLI has finished
09:55:36.137 Post-processing succeeded.



INFO: Indexing files of module 'VulnerableCoreApp.sln'
INFO: Base dir: ./
INFO: 0 files indexed
INFO: 72 files ignored because of scm ignore settings





dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"'myProjectKey'" /"http://localhost:9000" /d:sonar.scm.disabled=True
dotnet build "myProject.sln"
dotnet sonarscanner end

