


AccNo   Amt     Date    
1       100     2/1/2021
1       200     2/5/2021
1       300     3/3/2021
2       400     5/20/2021
2       500     5/18/2021


例如:要导出avg_past_week,请计算日期范围DateDate - 7内所有行的平均金额

类似地,对于avg_past_month,它将是DateDate - 30


AccNo   Amt     Date        Avg_past_week   Avg_past_month  Avg_past_3 month
1       100     2/1/2021    100             100             100
1       200     2/5/2021    150             150             150
1       300     3/3/2021    300             250             200
2       400     5/20/2021   450             450             450
2       500     5/18/2021   500             500             500
select a.AccNo, a.Amt, a.Date,
avg(b.Amt) as Amt7,
avg(c.Amt) as Amt30,
avg(d.Amt) as Amt90
from T a 
join T b on a.AccNo = b.AccNo and b.Date > DateAdd(day, -7, a.Date) and b.date <= a.Date
join T c on a.AccNo = c.AccNo and c.Date > DateAdd(day, -30, a.Date) and c.date <= a.Date
join T d on a.AccNo = d.AccNo and d.Date > DateAdd(day, -90, a.Date) and d.date <= a.Date
group by a.AccNo, a.Amt, a.Date


1   100 2021-02-01  100 100 100
1   200 2021-02-05  150 150 150
1   300 2021-03-03  300 250 200
2   400 2021-05-20  450 450 450
2   500 2021-05-18  500 500 500


select t.*,
avg(amt) over (partition by accNo
order by datediff('2000-01-01', date)
range between 6 preceding and current row
) as avg_7day,
avg(amt) over (partition by accNo
order by datediff('2000-01-01', date)
range between 30 preceding and current row
) as avg_30day,
avg(amt) over (partition by accNo
order by datediff('2000-01-01', date)
range between 90 preceding and current row
) as avg_91day
from t;


