

function createIISWebsite($siteName,$sitePath,$siteUrl) {
#Asking for User input
$siteName = Read-Host "siteName: "
$sitePath = Read-Host "sitePath: "
$siteUrl = Read-Host "siteUrl: "

try {

# Check if site name already exists and update site path
if ((Get-Website $siteName) -and (Test-Path $sitePath) )
{ Set-Location $sitePath  
Write-Host "$siteName " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline; 
Write-Host "already exist, updated the site path to "-NoNewline; 
Write-Host "$sitePath "-ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline;  
Write-Host "and you can access it via "-NoNewline;
Write-Host "$siteUrl"-ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline;}

# if not exists create new website * can specify port and protocol "http or https"
# using out-null for cleaner output
{ $sitePort = Read-Host "Input Port: "
$siteProtocolType = Read-Host "Input Protocol Type http or https: "
New-Website -Name $siteName  -HostHeader $siteUrl -PhysicalPath $sitePath | Out-Null
New-WebBinding -Name $siteName -Port $sitePort -Protocol $siteProtocolType
Write-Host $siteName "successfully created, you can access it via" $siteUrl -ForegroundColor Green }
{Write-host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"}




function createIISWebsite {
#Asking for User input
$siteName = Read-Host "siteName: "
$sitePath = Read-Host "sitePath: "
$siteUrl  = Read-Host "siteUrl: "

$existingSite = Get-IISSite -Name $siteName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# check If the site name already exists, update the existing using new input parameter
if ($existingSite) {
Write-Host "$siteName already exist, updated the site path to $sitePath and you can access it via $siteUrl"
#if not exist create new website using port 80 and shows successfully created new site
else { 
try {
$null = New-Website -Name $siteName -Port 80 -HostHeader $siteUrl -PhysicalPath $sitePath -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "$siteName successfully created, you can access it via $siteUrl"
catch {
Write-host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"


function createIISWebsite {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
$existingSite = Get-IISSite -Name $siteName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# check If the site name already exists, update the existing using new input parameter
if ($existingSite) {
try {
# update the site physical path to whatever is in variable $sitePath
# I don't know your configuration, but the path for Set-ItemProperty in IIS usually starts with "IIS:Sites"
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:Sites$siteName" -Name physicalPath -Value $sitePath -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "$siteName already exist, updated the site path to $sitePath and you can access it via $siteUrl"
catch {
Write-Host "Error updating the site's physical path:`r`n$($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
# if not exist create new website using port 80 and shows successfully created new site
else { 
try {
$null = New-Website -Name $siteName -Port 80 -HostHeader $siteUrl -PhysicalPath $sitePath -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "$siteName successfully created, you can access it via $siteUrl"
catch {
Write-Host "Error creating new website:`r`n$($_.Exception.Message)"
#Asking for User input
$siteName = Read-Host "siteName: "
$sitePath = Read-Host "sitePath: "
$siteUrl  = Read-Host "siteUrl: "
# now call the function with parameters NAMED
createIISWebsite -siteName $siteName -sitePath $sitePath -siteUrl $siteUrl
# or without the parameter names, just by position:
# createIISWebsite $siteName $sitePath $siteUrl