httpsconnectionpool to extract the api


https://connectionpool (host='', port=443):由于url:/dataportalapi/api/v1/locations/,重试次数超过了最大值(由ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy. ')导致)', ConnectionResetError(10054, '已存在的连接被远程主机强制关闭',None, 10054, None)))

import pandas as pd
import json
import requests
# Declares the base URL for calling API
base_url = ""
# Creates the target URL, indicators, in this instance
target = base_url + "/locations/"
# Calls the API
response = requests.get(target)
# Converts call into JSON
j = response.json()
# Converts JSON into a pandas DataFrame.
df = pd.json_normalize(j) # pd.json_normalize flattens the JSON to accomodate nested lists within the JSON structure
# Alternatively, a user can have the same results returned in a CSV format and import them directly using pandas.read_csv()
df2 = pd.read_csv(target+"?format=csv")
#To view response code:
## <Response [200]>


base_url = "">

