

  1. 可以将数据从注释移动到单元格
  2. 用一些字符替换Chr(10),例如,"_">
  3. 通过"列分布向导">
  4. 将单元格的文本分布到列中。
  5. 搜索所需单词"VBA"接收单元格
  6. 确定单元格编号,并理解这是注释
  7. 中所需行的编号。
  8. 根据单元格编号,在
  9. 注释中的行号上绘制。






编辑: if检查中增加Exit For

Option Explicit
Sub test_note()
Dim strNote As String
Dim arrNote As Variant
Dim number_of_lines As Integer

strNote = test.Range("A5").NoteText
number_of_lines = Len(strNote) - Len(Replace(strNote, Chr(10), "")) + 1

ReDim arrNote(1 To number_of_lines) As String

arrNote = Split(strNote, Chr(10))

Dim i As Long

For i = LBound(arrNote) To UBound(arrNote)

If InStr(arrNote(i), "VBA") > 0 Then
Debug.Print i, arrNote(i)
Exit For 'If you are sure there won't be any other occurrence of VBA in there, why check the rest of the lines? Speeds code depending on circumstance.
End If

Next i

End Sub


Sub test_note()
Dim strNote As String
Dim arrNote As Variant
Dim number_of_lines As Integer

strNote = test.Range("B5").NoteText
number_of_lines = Len(strNote) - Len(Replace(strNote, Chr(10), "")) + 1

ReDim arrNote(1 To number_of_lines) As String

arrNote = Split(strNote, Chr(10))

Dim i As Long
Dim startPos As Integer
Dim number_of_chars As Integer

startPos = 1

' Reset comment font color
test.Range("B5").Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Color = 0

For i = LBound(arrNote) To UBound(arrNote)

If InStr(arrNote(i), "VBA") > 0 Then
number_of_chars = Len(arrNote(i))
test.Range("B5").Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters(startPos, number_of_chars).Font.Color = vbRed
Debug.Print i, arrNote(i), "startPos: " & startPos, "numChars: " & number_of_chars
startPos = startPos + Len(arrNote(i)) + 1
End If

Next i

End Sub



Sub Demo()

Dim tnahqb1 As Range
Dim tnahqb2 As Range
Dim tnahqb3 As Workbook
Dim tnahqb4 As Worksheet
Dim tnahqb5 As Variant
Dim tnahqb6 As Integer
Dim tnahqb7 As Integer
Dim tnahqb8 As Integer
Dim tnahqb9 As Integer

For Each tnahqb10 In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Set tnahqb1 = tnahqb10.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
If tnahqb1 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No comments in the sheet"
For Each cell In tnahqb1
cell.Value = cell.Comment.Text
tnahqb5 = Split(cell.Comment.Text, Chr(10))
tnahqb6 = UBound(tnahqb5) - LBound(tnahqb5) + 1
For I = LBound(tnahqb5) To UBound(tnahqb5)

If InStr(tnahqb5(I), "VBA") > 0 Then
tnahqb8 = Len(tnahqb5(I))

With cell
tnahqb7 = InStr(cell.Comment.Text, tnahqb5(I))
tnahqb9 = tnahqb7 + tnahqb8
.Characters(tnahqb7, tnahqb8).Font.Color = vbRed
End With
End If
Next I
Next cell
End If
Next tnahqb10
End Sub
