






<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script>
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height: 600px;
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width: 500px;
height: 500px;
background: url('https://wordpress-84115-2057283.cloudwaysapps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/alarm-inner.png');
background-size: 500px 500px;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
padding: 150px !important;
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width: 500px;
height: 500px;
background-size: 500px 500px;
.outCircle  {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
position: absolute;
top: 50px;
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border-radius: 100px;
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from { transform: rotateZ(60deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(120deg); }
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from { transform: rotateZ(120deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(180deg); }
@keyframes circle-four {
from { transform: rotateZ(180deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(240deg); }
@keyframes circle-five{
from { transform: rotateZ(240deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(300deg); }
@keyframes circle-six {
from { transform: rotateZ(300deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(360deg); }
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from { transform: rotateZ(360deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(300deg); }
@keyframes ccircle-two {
from { transform: rotateZ(300deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(240deg); }
@keyframes ccircle-three {
from { transform: rotateZ(240deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(180deg); }
@keyframes ccircle-four {
from { transform: rotateZ(180deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(120deg); }
@keyframes ccircle-five {
from { transform: rotateZ(120deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(60deg); }
@keyframes ccircle-six {
from { transform: rotateZ(60deg); }
to { transform: rotateZ(0deg); }


var seconds = 8000;
var tid = setInterval(mycode, seconds);
// Deterimes whether to start or stop
var start = 1;
// Set to first Slide
var slides = 1;
function mycode(val) {
if(!val) {
/* Controls the Stop and Start */
if(start == 0) {
$(".rotate").css({"animation-play-state": "paused"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation-play-state": "paused"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation-play-state": "paused"});
// Starts the Animation
start = 1;

else {
// Plays Animations
$(".rotate").css({"animation-play-state": "running"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation-play-state": "running"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation-play-state": "running"});

if(slides == 1) {
console.log("Slide 1");
/* Animations */
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-two 4s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-two 4s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-two 4s forwards linear"});

// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;

else if (slides == 2) {
console.log("Slide 2");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-three 4s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-three 4s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-three 4s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 3) {
console.log("Slide 3");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-four 4s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-four 4s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-four 4s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 4) {
console.log("Slide 4");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-five 4s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-five 4s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-five 4s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 5) {
console.log("Slide 5");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-six 4s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-six 4s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-six 4s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 6) {
console.log("Slide 6");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-one 4s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-one 4s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-one 4s forwards linear"});
slides = 1;

// Pauses the Animation
start = 0;

} // Close else
/* Close Controls the Stop and Start */

else {
tid = setInterval(mycode, seconds);
if(val == 1 || val == 2 || val == 3 || val == 4 || val == 5 || val == 6) {
slides = val;
start = 1;
function abortTimer() { // to be called when you want to stop the timer
slides = 1;




// Seconds between each Animation

var seconds = 6000;
var tid = setInterval(mycode, seconds);
// Deterimes whether to start or stop
var start = 1;
// Set to first Slide
var slides = 1;
function mycode(val) {
if(!val) {
/* Controls the Stop and Start */
if(start == 0) {
$(".rotate").css({"animation-play-state": "paused"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation-play-state": "paused"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation-play-state": "paused"});
// Starts the Animation
start = 1;

else {
// Plays Animations
$(".rotate").css({"animation-play-state": "running"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation-play-state": "running"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation-play-state": "running"});

if(slides == 1) {
console.log("Slide 1");
/* Animations */
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-two 6s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-two 6s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-two 6s forwards linear"});

// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;

else if (slides == 2) {
console.log("Slide 2");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-three 6s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-three 6s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-three 6s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 3) {
console.log("Slide 3");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-four 6s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-four 6s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-four 4s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 4) {
console.log("Slide 4");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-five 6s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-five 6s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-five 6s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 5) {
console.log("Slide 5");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-six 6s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-six 6s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-six 6s forwards linear"});
// Increments to Next Slide
slides = slides + 1;
else if (slides == 6) {
console.log("Slide 6");
$(".rotate").css({"animation": "circle-one 6s forwards linear"});
$(".counterrotate").css({"animation": "ccircle-one 6s forwards linear"});
$(".imgmap-container").css({"animation": "circle-one 6s forwards linear"});
slides = 1;

// Pauses the Animation
start = 0;

} // Close else
/* Close Controls the Stop and Start */

else {
tid = setInterval(mycode, seconds);
if(val == 1 || val == 2 || val == 3 || val == 4 || val == 5 || val == 6) {
slides = val;
start = 1;
function abortTimer() { // to be called when you want to stop the timer
slides = 1;
