


function getmodal(mappedcityid){
            var url = "api/viewproductbyid";
            $.post(url, {
                mappedcityid : mappedcityid,
            }, function(data, status) {
                if (data.status == "OK") {
                    if (data.statusCode == 1) {
                        var productdata = data.response;
                        var baseprice = productdata.baseprice;
                        var productname = productdata.product.prductname;
                        document.getElementById('productmodal').innerHTML = "<div class="product-details-content quickview-content">"
                            +"<div class="pricing-meta">"
                                    +"<li class="old-price not-cut" id="priceid">&#8377;&nbsp;"+baseprice+"</li>"
                            +"<div class="pro-details-quality">"
                                +"<div class="cart-plus-minus">"
                                    +"<div class="dec qtybutton" onclick="decbtn();">-</div>"
                                    +"<input class="cart-plus-minus-box" type="text" name="qtybutton" id="quantity" value="1" onkeyup="countprice();"/>"
                                    +"<div class="inc qtybutton" onclick="incbtn();">+</div>"
                    } else {
                        var error = data.responseMessage;
                        swal(error, "", "error");
                } else {
                    var error = data.responseMessage;
                    swal(error, "", "error");


    function decbtn(){
        var amount = "";
        var price = $("#priceid").text();
        var oldprice = price.replace(/[^x00-x7F]/g, "");
        var val = $("#quantity").val();
        if(val <= 1){
            val = 1;
            val = val-1;
        if(null != oldprice || oldprice != ""){
            amount = parseFloat(oldprice)*parseFloat(val);
    function incbtn(){
        var amount = "";
        var price = $("#priceid").text();
        var oldprice = price.replace(/[^x00-x7F]/g, "");
        var val = $("#quantity").val();
        val = parseInt(val)+1;
        if(null != oldprice || oldprice != ""){
            amount = parseFloat(oldprice)*parseFloat(val);


在你的productmodal HTML中使用反引号作为模板文字,这样你就可以去掉额外的+"在price li ${baseprice}中连接和添加span,现在你不需要使用replace函数了。

function getmodal(mappedcityid) {
        var url = "api/viewproductbyid";
        $.post(url, {
            mappedcityid: mappedcityid,
        }, function(data, status) {
            if (data.status == "OK") {
                if (data.statusCode == 1) {
                    var productdata = data.response;
                    var baseprice = productdata.baseprice;
                    var productname = productdata.product.prductname;
                    document.getElementById('productmodal').innerHTML = `
                    <div class="product-details-content quickview-content">
                        <div class="pricing-meta">
                                <li class="old-price not-cut">&#8377;&nbsp;
                                    <span id="priceid">${baseprice}</span>
                        <div class="pro-details-quality">
                            <div class="cart-plus-minus">
                                <div class="dec qtybutton" onclick="decbtn();">-</div>
                                <input class="cart-plus-minus-box" type="text" name="qtybutton" id="quantity" value="1" onkeyup="countprice();"/>
                                <div class="inc qtybutton" onclick="incbtn();">+</div>
                } else {
                    var error = data.responseMessage;
                    swal(error, "", "error");
            } else {
                var error = data.responseMessage;
                swal(error, "", "error");


// calculateTotal function
    function calculateTotal(qty, type) {
        let productPrice = parseInt($('#priceid').html());
        if (type == 'decrement') {
            if (qty <= 1) {
                qty = 1;
            } else {
                qty = qty - 1;
        let totalProductPrice = productPrice * qty;
    // function to handle decrement button 
    function decbtn() {
        let val = $("#quantity").val();
        if (val <= 1) {
            val = 1;
        } else {
            val = val - 1;
        // call calculateTotal function with two params first one is qty and second one is action type
    // function to handle increment button 
    function incbtn() {
        let val = $("#quantity").val();
        val = parseInt(val) + 1;
        // call calculateTotal function with two params first one is qty and second one is action type





function decbtn() {
  const basePrice = 10.0;
  let val = $("#quantity").val();
  if (val <= 1) {
    val = 1;
  } else {
    val = val - 1;
  const currentPrice = basePrice * val;
  $("#priceid").html('&#8377;&nbsp;' + currentPrice);
function incbtn() {
  const basePrice = 10.0;
  let val = $("#quantity").val();
  val = parseInt(val) + 1;
  const currentPrice = basePrice * val;
  $("#priceid").html('&#8377;&nbsp;' + currentPrice);



function decbtn() {
  // Get the current price
  let currentPrice = $("#priceid").text().replace(/[^x00-x7F]/g, "");
  currentPrice = parseFloat(currentPrice);
  // Get the current quantity
  let val = $("#quantity").val();
  val = parseInt(val);
  // Calculate the base price
  const basePrice = currentPrice / val;
  // Update the new quantity
  if (val <= 1) {
    val = 1;
  } else {
    val = val - 1;
  // Calculate the new price
  const newPrice = basePrice * val;
  $("#priceid").html('&#8377;&nbsp;' + newPrice);
function incbtn() {
  // Get the current price
  let currentPrice = $("#priceid").text().replace(/[^x00-x7F]/g, "");
  currentPrice = parseFloat(currentPrice);
  // Get the current quantity
  let val = $("#quantity").val();
  val = parseInt(val);
  // Calculate the base price
  const basePrice = currentPrice / val;
  // Update the new quantity
  val = parseInt(val) + 1;
  // Calculate the new price
  const newPrice = basePrice * val;
  $("#priceid").html('&#8377;&nbsp;' + newPrice);
