#Method 1
$Prefix = Read-Host -Prompt "What do you want to use as the prefix for the updated file names? (The number 1 is the default)"
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Prefix)){$Prefix = '1_'}
If($Prefix[-1] -ne '_'){$Prefix = "$($Prefix)_"}
$files = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $PWD -Filter '*.csv' -File)
Foreach ($inputFile in $files){
$A = Get-Content $inputFile
$Header = $A[0]
$Data = $A[2..($A.Count-1)]
$Footer = $A[1]
$Header, $Data, $Footer | Add-Content -LiteralPath "$($inputFile.DirectoryName)$($Prefix)$($inputFile.BaseName).csv"
#Work-in-progress Method 2
$inputFile = "Input.csv"
$outputFile = "Output.csv"
#Create StringReader
$sr = [System.IO.StringReader]::New((Get-Content $inputFile -Raw))
#Create StringWriter
$sw = [System.IO.StringWriter]::New()
#Write the Header
#Get the first actual record as a string
$lastLine = $sr.ReadLine()
#Write the rest of the lines
#Add the final line
#Write everything to the outputFile
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($outputFile, $sw.ToString())
Line |
5 | $sr = [System.IO.StringReader]::New((Get-Content $inputFile -Raw))
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
Line |
5 | $sr = [System.IO.StringReader]::New((Get-Content $inputFile -Raw))
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Exception calling ".ctor" with "1" argument(s): "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 's')"
PowerShell Pipeline的优点是它本质上是流的。
- 不要将任何管道结果赋值给变量和
- 不要使用括号
$Prefix = Read-Host -Prompt "What do you want to use as the prefix for the updated file names? (The number 1 is the default)"
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Prefix)){$Prefix = '1_'}
If($Prefix[-1] -ne '_'){$Prefix = "$($Prefix)_"}
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $PWD -Filter '*.csv' -File |
Import-Csv |ForEach-Object -Begin { $Index = 0 } -Process {
if ($Index++) { $_ } else { $Footer = $_ }
} -End { $Footer } |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath "$($inputFile.DirectoryName)$($Prefix)$($inputFile.BaseName).csv"
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $PWD -Filter '*.csv' -File | ForEach-Object {
try {
$path = "$($_.DirectoryName)$Prefix$($_.BaseName).csv"
$writer = [IO.StreamWriter] $path
$stream = $_.OpenRead()
$reader = [IO.StreamReader] $stream
$writer.WriteLine($reader.ReadLine()) # => This is header
$footer = $reader.ReadLine()
while(-not $reader.EndOfStream) {
finally {
$stream, $reader, $writer | ForEach-Object Dispose
#asuming that .csv file lines end with CRLF ie bytes 13,10
# things go terribly wrong if this is not true
[byte]$ByteCR = 13 # 0D
[byte]$ByteLF = 10 # 0A
function Find-OffsetPastNextEOL{
$QuotedState = $false #ToDo: csv files can possibly have multiple lines per record
$CRLF_found = $false
$count = 0
while($enu.MoveNext() -and !$CRLF_found){ #expected to be a lot less iterations than the number of lines in the file
if($enu.Current -eq $ByteCR -and $enu.MoveNext()){
$CRLF_found = $enu.Current -eq $ByteLF
return $count
function Test-EndOfFileHasEOL{
$null = $read.Seek(-2,'End')
return $read.ReadByte() -eq $ByteCR -and $read.ReadByte() -eq $ByteLF
$BufferSize = 100mb
$SampleSize = 1mb #idealy something just big enough to make sure you get the first two lines of every file
$SampleWithHeadAndFoot = new-object byte[] $SampleSize
Foreach ($inputFile in $files){
$ReadFilePath = $inputFile.FullName
$read = [IO.FileStream]::new($ReadFilePath ,'Open' ,'Read' ,'Read',$BufferSize)
$WriteFilePath = $ReadFilePath -Replace ($inputFile.Name+'$'),"$Prefix`$0"
$write = [IO.FileStream]::new($WriteFilePath,'Append','Write','None',$BufferSize)
$TotalBytesSampled = $read.Read($SampleWithHeadAndFoot, 0, $SampleSize)
#ToDo: check for BOM or other indicators that the csv data is one-byte ASCII or UTF8
$enu = $SampleWithHeadAndFoot.GetEnumerator()
$HeaderLength = 0 + (Find-OffsetPastNextEOL $enu)
$FooterLength = 1 + (Find-OffsetPastNextEOL $enu)
$DataStartPosition = $HeaderLength + $FooterLength
$OversampleLength = $TotalBytesSampled - ($HeaderLength + $FooterLength)
$write.Write($SampleWithHeadAndFoot,0,$HeaderLength) #write the header from the sample
if($DataStartPosition -lt $TotalBytesSampled - 1){ #flush the sample data after the first record
$read.CopyTo($write,$BufferSize) #flush the rest of the data still in the read stream
if(!(Test-EndOfFileHasEOL $read)){ #inject CRLF if EOF didn't already have one
$write.Write($SampleWithHeadAndFoot,$HeaderLength,$FooterLength) #write the first record as the footer
PS> sc xx.csv -Value @"
this is a header`r
this was line 1`r
this was line 2`r
this was line 3`r
this was line 4`r
this was line 5
"@ -Encoding utf8 -NoNewLine
PS> $Prefix = '1_'
PS> $files = ls xx.csv
PS> $SampleSize = 40
PS> Format-Hex .xx.csv
Path: .xx.csv
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000 EF BB BF 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 68 65 61 this is a hea
00000010 64 65 72 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 20 6C 69 der..this was li
00000020 6E 65 20 31 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 20 6C ne 1..this was l
00000030 69 6E 65 20 32 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 20 ine 2..this was
00000040 6C 69 6E 65 20 33 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 line 3..this was
00000050 20 6C 69 6E 65 20 34 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 line 4..this wa
00000060 73 20 6C 69 6E 65 20 35 s line 5
PS> Format-Hex .1_xx.csv
Path: .1_xx.csv
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000 EF BB BF 74 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 68 65 61 this is a hea
00000010 64 65 72 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 20 6C 69 der..this was li
00000020 6E 65 20 32 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 20 6C ne 2..this was l
00000030 69 6E 65 20 33 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 20 ine 3..this was
00000040 6C 69 6E 65 20 34 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 73 line 4..this was
00000050 20 6C 69 6E 65 20 35 0D 0A 74 68 69 73 20 77 61 line 5..this wa
00000060 73 20 6C 69 6E 65 20 31 0D 0A s line 1..