

例如,如果用户键入!dm @discorduser hello 5,机器人将发送"hello"给指定用户5次

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='.')

async def on_ready():
print('Bot is ready.')

async def spam(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, content):
channel = await member.create_dm()
await channel.send(content)

client.run('bot token')


# the arguments are: member, the amount of times you want to DM, and what you want to DM them.
async def spam(ctx, member : discord.Member, amount=1, content=None):
    # this loop will keep doing the script below the amount of 'amount' times.
    for i in range(amount):
        channel = await member.create_dm()
        await channel.send(content)