

现在我得到以下错误"KeyError: 'rates'">

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
url1 = 'http://www.bankofcanada.ca/'
url2 = 'valet/observations/group/FX_RATES_DAILY/csv?start_date='
start_date = '2017-01-03'  # Earliest start date is 2017-01-03
url = url1 + url2 + start_date  # Complete url to download csv file
# Read in rates for different currencies for a range of dates
rates = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=39, index_col='date')
rates.index = pd.to_datetime(rates.index)  # assures data type to be a datetime
print("The pandas dataframe with the rates ")
# Get number of days & number of currences from shape of rates - returns a tuple in the 
#format (rows, columns)
days, currencies = rates.shape
# Read in the currency codes & strip off extraneous part. Uses url string, skips the first 
#10 rows and returns to the data frame columns of index 0 and 2. It will read n rows according
# to the variable currencies. This was returned in line 19 from a tuple produced by .shape
codes = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=10, usecols=[0,2],
#Print out the dataframe read from the web
print("Dataframe with the codes")
#A for loop to goe through the codes dataframe. For each ith row and for the index 1 column, 
# the for loop will split the string with a string 'to Canadian' 
for i in range(currencies):
codes.iloc[i, 1] = codes.iloc[i, 1].split(' to Canadian')[0]
# Report exchange rates for the most most recent date available
date = rates.index[-1]  # most recent date available
print('nCurrency values on {0}'.format(date))
#Using a for loop and zip, the values in the code and rate objects are grouped together 
# and then printed to the screen with a new format
for (code, rate) in zip(codes.iloc[:, 1], rates.loc[date]):
print("{0:20s}  Can$ {1:8.6g}".format(code, rate))
#Assign values into a dataframe/slice rates dataframe
FXAUDCAD_daily = pd.DataFrame(index=['dates'], columns={'dates', 'rates'})
FXAUDCAD_daily['rolling mean'] = FXAUDCAD_daily.loc['rates'].rolling_mean()
#Print the values to the screen
#Calculate the rolling average using the rolling average pandas function
#Create a figure object using matplotlib/pandas
#Plot values on figure on the figure object. 


url1 = 'http://www.bankofcanada.ca/'
url2 = 'valet/observations/group/FX_RATES_DAILY/csv?start_date='
start_date = '2017-01-03'  # Earliest start date is 2017-01-03
url = url1 + url2 + start_date  # Complete url to download csv file
# Read in rates for different currencies for a range of dates
rates = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=39, index_col='date')
rates.index = pd.to_datetime(rates.index)  # assures data type to be a     
#print("The pandas dataframe with the rates ")
# Get number of days & number of currences from shape of rates - returns     
#a tuple in the 
#format (rows, columns)
days, currencies = rates.shape
# Read in the currency codes & strip off extraneous part. Uses url     
string, skips the first 
#10 rows and returns to the data frame columns of index 0 and 2. It will 
#read n rows according
# to the variable currencies. This was returned in line 19 from a tuple         
#produced by .shape
codes = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=10, usecols=[0,2],
#Print out the dataframe read from the web
#print("Dataframe with the codes")
#A for loop to goe through the codes dataframe. For each ith row and for     
#the index 1 column, 
# the for loop will split the string with a string 'to Canadian' 
for i in range(currencies):
codes.iloc[i, 1] = codes.iloc[i, 1].split(' to Canadian')[0]
# Report exchange rates for the most most recent date available
date = rates.index[-1]  # most recent date available
#print('nCurrency values on {0}'.format(date))
#Using a for loop and zip, the values in the code and rate objects are     
grouped together 
# and then printed to the screen with a new format
#for (code, rate) in zip(codes.iloc[:, 1], rates.loc[date]):
#print("{0:20s}  Can$ {1:8.6g}".format(code, rate))  
#Create dataframe with columns of date and raters
#Assign values into a dataframe/slice rates dataframe
FXAUDCAD_daily = pd.DataFrame(index=['date'], columns={'date', 'rates'})
FXAUDCAD_daily = rates['FXAUDCAD']
FXAUDCAD_daily['rolling mean'] = 




FXAUDCAD_daily['rolling mean'] = FXAUDCAD_daily['rates'].rolling(WINDOW_SIZE).mean()

你的熊猫版本是什么?熊猫0.18.0以上版本不支持Pd.rolling_mean ()


pip3 install --upgrade pandas
FXAUDCAD_daily['rolling mean'] = FXAUDCAD_daily['rates'].rolling(*window_size*).mean()



import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
url1 = 'http://www.bankofcanada.ca/'
url2 = 'valet/observations/group/FX_RATES_DAILY/csv?start_date='
start_date = '2017-01-03'  
url = url1 + url2 + start_date  

rates = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=39, index_col='date')
rates.index = pd.to_datetime(rates.index)  # assures data type to be a     
print("Print rates to the screen",rates)
#print index
print("Print index to the screen", rates.index)
days, currencies = rates.shape
codes = pd.read_csv(url, skiprows=10, usecols=[0,2],
for i in range(currencies):
codes.iloc[i, 1] = codes.iloc[i, 1].split(' to Canadian')[0]
#date = rates.index[-1]  
#Make a series of just the rates of FXAUDCAD
FXAUDCAD_daily = pd.DataFrame(rates['FXAUDCAD'])
#Print FXAUDRATES to the screen
#Calculate the MA using the rolling function with a window size of 1
FXAUDCAD_daily['rolling mean'] =         
#print out the new dataframe with calculation
#Rename one of the data frame from FXAUDCAD to Exchange Rate
#print out the new dataframe with calculation
