

const entities = [
{ id: "person-1", type: "person", fields: { age: 34 }}, 
{ id: "car-2", type: "car", fields: { manufacturer: "bar" }}, 
{ id: "house-2", type: "house", fields: { constructionYear: 2010 }}, 
{ id: "person-4", type: "person", fields: { age: 71 }},
{ id: "person-2", type: "person", fields: { age: 57 }}, 
{ id: "house-1", type: "house", fields: { constructionYear: 1968 }}, 
{ id: "car-1", type: "car", fields: { manufacturer: "foo" }},
{ id: "person-3", type: "person", fields: { age: 42 }},


const sources = [
{ type: "person", sort: { index: 1, isLessThanFunctionAsString: "(left, right) => left.fields.age < right.fields.age" }},
{ type: "car" },
{ type: "house", sort: { index: 0, isLessThanFunctionAsString: "(left, right) => left.fields.constructionYear < right.fields.constructionYear" }},


我无法控制配置,isLessThan函数是一个字符串化函数,其签名是(leftEntity: Entity, rightEntity: Entity) => boolean,因此比较函数内部的逻辑可以是任何东西


const entities = [{id:"person-1",type:"person",fields:{age:34}},{id:"car-2",type:"car",fields:{manufacturer:"bar"}},{id:"house-2",type:"house",fields:{constructionYear:2010}},{id:"person-4",type:"person",fields:{age:71}},{id:"person-2",type:"person",fields:{age:57}},{id:"house-1",type:"house",fields:{constructionYear:1968}},{id:"car-1",type:"car",fields:{manufacturer:"foo"}},{id:"person-3",type:"person",fields:{age:42}}];
const sources = [{type:"person",sort:{index:1,isLessThanFunctionAsString:"(left, right) => left.fields.age < right.fields.age"}},{type:"car"},{type:"house",sort:{index:0,isLessThanFunctionAsString:"(left, right) => left.fields.constructionYear < right.fields.constructionYear"}}];
function sortEntities(unsortedEntities, allSources) {
// if there are no entities, there is nothing to do
if (unsortedEntities.length === 0) {
return unsortedEntities;
// only care for the sources with a sort function
const sourcesWithSort = allSources.filter(source => !!source.sort);
// if there are no sources with sort, there is nothing to do
if (sourcesWithSort.length === 0) {
return unsortedEntities;
// since we can only compare two entities of the same type we must sort the entities by type first
let sortedEntities = entities.sort((leftEntity, rightEntity) => {
// no need for sorting if both have the same type
if (leftEntity.type === rightEntity.type) {
return 0;
if (leftEntity.type < rightEntity.type) {
return -1;
return 1;
// we must sort the sources by sort index ( at this point we now that sort must exist )
const sortSources = sourcesWithSort.sort((leftSource, rightSource) => leftSource.sort.index - rightSource.sort.index);
// NOW we can start sorting the entities
for (const source of sortSources) {
sortedEntities = sortedEntities.sort((leftEntity, rightEntity) => {
const {
} = source;
// we can't compare entities if the types aren't equal to the source type
if (leftEntity.type !== type || rightEntity.type !== type) {
return 0;
const isLessThanFunction = (new Function("return " + source.sort.isLessThanFunctionAsString))();
const isLeftEntityLessThanRightEntity = isLessThanFunction(
if (isLeftEntityLessThanRightEntity) {
return -1;
return 1;
return sortedEntities;
console.log(sortEntities([...entities], [...sources]));




const columns = [
{ type: "person", sort: { index: 1, comparator: (left, right) => left.fields.age - right.fields.age }},
{ type: "car", sort: undefined },
{ type: "house", sort: { index: 0, comparator: (left, right) => left.fields.constructionYear - right.fields.constructionYear }},


comparator: (a, b) => a.fields.manufacturer.localeCompare(b.fields.manufacturer)


const columnMap = columns.reduce((acc, o) => {
const { type, sort: { index = -Infinity, comparator } = {} } = o
acc[type] = { index, comparator };
return acc
}, {})


"person": {
"index": 1,
"comparator": (a,b)=>a.fields.age-b.fields.age
"car": {
"index": -Infinity,
"comparator": undefined
"house": {
"index": 0,
"comparator": (a,b)=>a.fields.constructionYear-b.fields.constructionYear
  • 然后根据index值对实体进行排序
  • 如果索引值相同(或都是-Infinity(,则根据type名称进行排序
  • 如果两种类型相同,则根据特定类型的comparator函数进行排序


const entities=[{id:"person-1",type:"person",fields:{age:34}},{id:"car-2",type:"car",fields:{manufacturer:"bar"}},{id:"house-2",type:"house",fields:{constructionYear:2010}},{id:"person-4",type:"person",fields:{age:71}},{id:"person-2",type:"person",fields:{age:57}},{id:"house-1",type:"house",fields:{constructionYear:1968}},{id:"car-1",type:"car",fields:{manufacturer:"foo"}},{id:"person-3",type:"person",fields:{age:42}}],
columns=[{type:"person",sort:{index:1,comparator:(e,s)=>e.fields.age-s.fields.age}},{type:"car",sort:void 0},{type:"house",sort:{index:0,comparator:(e,s)=>e.fields.constructionYear-s.fields.constructionYear}}];
function sortEntities(array, columns) {
const columnMap = columns.reduce((acc, o) => {
const { type, sort: { index = -Infinity, comparator } = {} } = o
acc[type] = { index, comparator };
return acc
}, {})

return array.sort((a,b) => 
columnMap[a.type].index - columnMap[b.type].index 
|| a.type.localeCompare(b.type)
|| columnMap[a.type].comparator?.(a,b)
console.log(sortEntities(entities, columns))


const entities=[{id:"person-1",type:"person",fields:{age:34}},{id:"car-2",type:"car",fields:{manufacturer:"bar"}},{id:"house-2",type:"house",fields:{constructionYear:2010}},{id:"person-4",type:"person",fields:{age:71}},{id:"person-2",type:"person",fields:{age:57}},{id:"house-1",type:"house",fields:{constructionYear:1968}},{id:"car-1",type:"car",fields:{manufacturer:"foo"}},{id:"person-3",type:"person",fields:{age:42}}],
columns =[{type:"person",sort:{index:1,isLessThanFunctionAsString:"(left, right) => left.fields.age < right.fields.age"}},{type:"car"},{type:"house",sort:{index:0,isLessThanFunctionAsString:"(left, right) => left.fields.constructionYear < right.fields.constructionYear"}}];

function sortEntities(array, columns) {
const columnMap = columns.reduce((acc, { type, sort }) => {
let index = -Infinity, comparator;
if (sort) {
eval("var isLessThanFunction =" + sort.isLessThanFunctionAsString)
index = sort.index;
comparator = (a, b) => isLessThanFunction(a, b) ? -1 : 1
acc[type] = { index, comparator };
return acc
}, {})
return array.sort((a, b) =>
columnMap[a.type].index - columnMap[b.type].index 
|| a.type.localeCompare(b.type) 
|| columnMap[a.type].comparator?.(a, b)
console.log(sortEntities(entities, columns))



const main = () => {
document.body.append(table(sort(process(entities), columns), columns));
const sort = (data, columns) => {
const sorters = columns
.map(({ sort }) => sort)
.filter(s => s)
.sort(({ index: a }, { index: b }) => a - b)
.map(({ isLessThan }) => isLessThan); // This is not good...
return data.sort((a, b) => {
let sorted = 0, index = 0;
while (sorted === 0 && index < sorters.length) {
sorted = sorters[index](a, b);
return sorted;
const process = (rawData) =>
Object.entries(rawData.reduce((acc, { id, type, fields }) => {
const [, index] = id.match(/w+-(d+)/);
if (!acc[index]) acc[index] = { id: +index };
acc[index][type] = { fields };
return acc;
}, {})).sort(([k1], [k2]) => k1 - k2).map(([, v]) => v);
const table = (records, columns) =>
group('table', {},
group('thead', {},
group('tr', {},
...columns.map(col =>
leaf('th', { innerText: col.type })
group('tbody', {},
...records.map(record =>
group('tr', {},
...columns.map(col =>
leaf('td', {
innerText: render(record[col.type], record, col)
const render = (data, record, column) =>
data ? JSON.stringify(data) : '';
const leaf = (tagName, options) =>
Object.assign(document.createElement(tagName), options);
const group = (tagName, options, ...children) =>
appendAll(leaf(tagName, options), children);
const appendAll = (el, children = []) => {
children.forEach(child => el.appendChild(child));
return el;
const entities = [
{ id: "person-1", type: "person", fields: { age: 34 }}, 
{ id: "car-2", type: "car", fields: { manufacturer: "bar" }}, 
{ id: "house-2", type: "house", fields: { constructionYear: 2010 }}, 
{ id: "person-4", type: "person", fields: { age: 71 }},
{ id: "person-2", type: "person", fields: { age: 57 }}, 
{ id: "house-1", type: "house", fields: { constructionYear: 1968 }}, 
{ id: "car-1", type: "car", fields: { manufacturer: "foo" }},
{ id: "person-3", type: "person", fields: { age: 42 }},
const columns = [
{ type: "id" },
{ type: "person", sort: { index: 1, isLessThan: (left, right) => left?.fields?.age < right?.fields?.age }},
{ type: "car" },
{ type: "house", sort: { index: 0, isLessThan: (left, right) => left?.fields?.constructionYear < right?.fields?.constructionYear }},
table { border-collapse: collapse; }
table, th, td { border: thin solid grey; }
th, td { padding: 0.5rem; }
th { background: #DDD; }
tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background: #EEE; }
td { font-family: monospace; font-size: smaller; }
