
我一直在与这个问题作斗争,但还没有找到解决方案。我必须验证布尔字符串表达式的语法,这样我才能使用它来查找文档中的单词或句子。例如,(football football!|basket((应该是不正确的,因为football和football是分开的,应该在"之间,也因为括号不正确和!|没有意义。这是一个简单的布尔表达式,所以我可以使用&,!,|,((。。。知道吗?



* Custom Expression Parser/Validator:
* If the supplied expression is valid whereas it meets the guidelines within 
* the code, then return a String[] Array containing the components of that 
* expression. If the expression is found to be invalid then a warning message 
* is displayed to the Console Window explaining the problem and null is returned.
* @param expressionString (String) The expression to validate.<br>
* @return (String[] Array) Returns null if the expression is found invalid 
* otherwise the returned String Array will contain the components of the 
* expression. Process these returned expression components as you see fit.
public String[] isExpressionValid(String expressionString) {
// List to hold expression components.
List<String> expressionList = new ArrayList<>();

// If the expression string is null or empty then return null.
if (expressionString == null || expressionString.isEmpty()) {
return null;

// Are the brackets proper in the expression?
Map<Character, Character> openClosePair = new HashMap<>();
openClosePair.put(')', '(');
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
for (char ch : expressionString.toCharArray()) {
if (openClosePair.containsKey(ch)) {
if (stack.isEmpty() || !Objects.equals(stack.pop(), openClosePair.get(ch))) {
else if (openClosePair.values().contains(ch)) {
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("Invalid Expression! [" + expressionString + "] -  Parentheses Mismatch!");
return null;

/* Parentheses are valid so now remove them to validate 
the data within the parentheses.    */
expressionString = expressionString.replaceAll("[\(\)]", "");

/* Is &, !, or | within the expression? If so, is it proper?
If there are consecutive `same` operators (ie: "&&&") then
convert them to a single operator (ie: "&").        */
expressionString = expressionString.replaceAll("[&]{2,}", "&")
.replaceAll("[|]{2,}", "|"). replaceAll("[!]{2,}", "!");

// Add whatever you feel would be invalid...
String[] invalidOperators = {"&|", "|&", "!|", "!&", "!&|", "!|&", 
"&!|", "&|!", "|!&", "|&!"};
// Make sure of valid operator use.
for (String op : invalidOperators) {
if (expressionString.contains(op)) {
System.err.println("Invalid Logical Operator Configuruation [" + 
op + "] Within Expression!");
return null;

/* Split the expression on delimiters '&' or '|' but 
also add the delimiter to the generated array: */
String regEx = "((?<=\Q&\E)|(?=\Q&\E))|"
+ "((?<=\Q|\E)|(?=\Q|\E))";
String[] expParts = expressionString.split(regEx);
String exp;
for (int i = 0; i < expParts.length; i++) {
exp = expParts[i].trim();  // Remove leading/trailing whitespaces.
// Is the element a non-numerical value?
if (!exp.matches("-?\d+(\.\d+)?") && !exp.matches("[!\|&]")) {
// This element must be alpha or alphanumeric. 
/* Is there a whitespace in it? If so, is it wrapped in quote marks? 
If not then this is invalid.                */
if (exp.contains(" ") && ((!exp.startsWith("!"") || !exp.startsWith(""")) && !exp.endsWith("""))) {
System.err.println("Invalid String [" + exp + "] Within Expression!" 
+ System.lineSeparator() + "Because this portion of the expression "
+ "contains at least one whitespace," + System.lineSeparator() 
+ "it should be wrapped within quotation marks excluding any Logical Operator" 
+ System.lineSeparator() + "located at the beginning.");
return null;
/* Does the expression start with or end with a Logical Operator '&' or '|'? 
This is considered invalid.            */
if ((i == 0 || i == expParts.length - 1) && (exp.equals("&") || exp.equals("|"))) {
System.err.println("Invalid Logical Operator Location! [" + expressionString + "]"
+ System.lineSeparator() + "The expression can not start with or end "
+ "with a '&' or '|' operator!");
return null;        

// Add the expresion component to the List

// Convert the List to a String[] Array and return.
return expressionList.toArray(new String[expressionList.size()]);


String expression = "(footballer football !| basket)(";

String[] expressionParts = isExpressionValid(expression);
if (expressionParts != null) {
// Display the components of the supplied expression:


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