EFCore:是否可以跟踪对新创建并添加到 DbContext 条目的属性所做的更改?我不要求输入状态。已添加

public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public DateTime DOB { get; set; } 
public Person()
Id = 0;
LastName = String.Empty;
FirstName = String.Empty;
DOB = DateTime.Now;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var v = new Person(){
LastName = "LLLLL";
FirstName = "FFFFF";
DOB = DateTime.Now;

// now let's say that the user changes the v.LastName to ...
/* now I would expect _dbContext to be already aware of changes 
made to the v.LastName property or at least to have passed the initial
values of the v entity to the OriginalValues of the added entry
and EFCore to providing me with a method to informing me, 
whenever I asked so,
if some property values in the entity, being tracked, have been changed!!

//so whenever I type
var changesMadeSoFar = HelloLovelyEFCore_DoWeHaveAnyChangesToThePropertiesOfThisLovelyEntryMadeSoFar(EntityEntry v);
// Unfortunatelly I can't find a way to be inormed of any changes in the properties
// of the entry being tracked!! Unless I am missing something... (which is very possible)
//  Even the following fails to provide me information of property changes
made to a NEWLY created entity NOT a loaded for the DB ones.....
EntityEntry<TFlatVisit> entry = _dbContext.Entry(v);
var modified = entry.Members.Where(m => m.IsModified).ToList();
var modified2 = entry.Properties.Where(m => m.CurrentValue != m.OriginalValue).ToList();
var modified3 = entry.Properties.Where(m => m.CurrentValue == m.OriginalValue).ToList();
var modified4 = entry.Properties
.Where(prop => prop.IsModified)
.Select(prop => new
Property = prop.Metadata,
Value = prop.CurrentValue,
Name = prop.Metadata.Name,
PrevValue = prop.OriginalValue

if (_dbContext.ChangeTracker.HasChanges())
}// the latter results into _dbContext has changed and the state of entry v is set to Added (we all know that)







