
>我创建了一个共享多个实用程序函数的 NPM 库。其中之一是调用我们的端点。我已经在我的 NPM 库中包含了 Axios,但我无法全局设置Axios.create实例。

我最初以为我可以创建一个Provider并设置一个context,但是,由于我的 API 函数不在钩子内,我无法访问上下文。这是我的第一个 NPM 库,因此不熟悉最佳实践。

// Provider.ts
export default function Provider({ children, config }: ProviderProps) {
window.config = config;
return (
<ContextConfig.Provider value={config}>{children}</ContextConfig.Provider>

^ 上面,我尝试使用上下文API,设置全局变量等。

// api.ts
import Axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosPromise, Cancel } from 'axios';
const axiosInstance = Axios.create(window.config);
const api = (axios: AxiosInstance) => ({
get: <T>(url: string, config: ApiRequestConfig = {}) =>
withLogger<T>(withAbort<T>(axios.get)(url, config)),
export default api(axiosInstance)


// index.ts
import api from './api';
import Provider from './Provider';
export { api, Provider };





// api.ts
import Axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosPromise, Cancel } from 'axios';
const api = (axios: AxiosInstance) => ({
get: <T>(url: string, config: ApiRequestConfig = {}) =>
withLogger<T>(withAbort<T>(axios.get)(url, config)),
export default () => {
const axiosInstance = Axios.create(window.config);
return api(axiosInstance)


除了 Axios 实例之外,您是否需要配置任何其他内容?

为什么不创建一个提供程序/上下文设置来为您处理您的 api 对象?

// Create a context for the api
const ApiContext = createContext({});
// Create a Provider component.
const ApiProvider = ({ config }) => {
// recreate the api every time the provided configuration changes.
const api = useMemo(() => {
// create axios instance using the provided config.
const axiosInstance = Axios.create(config);
// create API object
return {
get: <T,>(url: string, apiConfig: ApiRequestConfig = {}) => withLogger<T>(withAbort<T>(axiosInstance.get)(url, apiConfig))
}, [config] /* dependency array - determines when api will be recomputed */)
return (
<ApiContext.Provider value={api}>
const useApi = () => {
// retrieve configured API from context.
const api = useContext(ApiContext);
return api;
// Example component to show how to retrieve api for use.
const Example = () => {
// retrieve configured API from context.
const api = useContext(ApiContext);
const api = useApi();
// use api here
return (
Content goes here
// App component to show providing config for API.
const App = () => {
// Create config (should only update reference when values need to change)
const config = useMemo(() => ({
// add config here
}), []);
return (
// pass config to API Provider.
<ApiProvider  config={config}>
<Example />
