

// type of fundsWeight : SomeRandomArray[] | undefined
// type of fakeTradeInfo : SomeRandomObject | null
const StackOverflow = ({ row }: { row: INewTradeState }) => {
const fundsWeight = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.fakeFund.fundsWeight[row.univers.uniqueid]);
const fakeTradeInfo = useSelector((state: RootState) => getFakeTradesInfoById(state)(row.id));
if (fundsWeight && fakeTradeInfo) { // Work fine
return (
<TextField variant="outlined" label="ccy" value={fakeTradeInfo.ccy} /> // Typescript doesn't warn about anything, work as expected
<TextField variant="outlined" label="fx" value={fakeTradeInfo.fx} />
{fundsWeight.map((fund) => (
<>Do Stuff</>
return <>not loaded</>;

这里的"not working"&;代码:

const StackOverflow = ({ row }: { row: INewTradeState }) => {
const fundsWeight = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.fakeFund.fundsWeight[row.univers.uniqueid]);
const fakeTradeInfo = useSelector((state: RootState) => getFakeTradesInfoById(state)(row.id));
const hasLoaded = fundsWeight && fakeTradeInfo;
if (hasLoaded) {
return (
<TextField variant="outlined" label="ccy" value={fakeTradeInfo.ccy} /> // <=== HERE typescript warn about the probability that fakeTradeInfo may be undefined
<TextField variant="outlined" label="fx" value={fakeTradeInfo.fx} />
{fundsWeight.map((fund) => ( // <=== SAME HERE 
<>Do Stuff</>
return <>not loaded</>;

如何使typescript知道hasLoaded意味着fakeTradeInfo/fundsWeight不能是undefined/null ?我想避免使用fakeTradeInfo!ccy语法。


<TextField variant="outlined" label="ccy" value={fakeTradeInfo && fakeTradeInfo.ccy} />


<TextField variant="outlined" label="ccy" value={fakeTradeInfo?.ccy} />
