创建带有可选嵌套值和前缀的react hook表单


我想定义一个Task表单,单独使用时作为<TaskForm/>,与其他表单结合使用时作为<TaskForm prefix="task"/>。到目前为止,我有一些工作,但打字是一个非常困难的时间。


type TaskFormData = {
title: string;


export const Form = () => {
const methods = useForm<TaskFormData>({
defaultValues: { title: 'Some input value' }
const { handleSubmit } = methods;
const onSubmit = (data: TaskFormData) => {
// should be { "title": "input value" }
return (
<FormProvider {...methods}>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
<TaskForm /> <!-- with a field description -->


export const PrefixedForm = () => {
const methods = useForm<{ task: NestedValue<TaskFormData> }>({
defaultValues: { task: { title: 'Some input value' } }
const { handleSubmit } = methods;
const onSubmit = (data: { task: TaskFormData }) => {
// should be { "task": { "title": "input value" } }
return (
<FormProvider {...methods}>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
<NoteForm prefix="note" /> <!-- with a field note.description -->
<TaskForm prefix="task" /> <!-- with a field task.description -->
到目前为止,这是TaskForm 的工作示例。
export const TaskForm = ({ prefix }: { prefix?: string }) => {
const { register } = useFormContext<any>();
return (
<input {...register(prefix ? `${prefix}.title` : 'title')} />



export type PrefixedTaskFormData<P extends string> = {
[K in keyof TaskFormData as `${P}.K`]: TaskFormData[K]
export const TaskForm = <P extends string>({ prefix }: { prefix?: P }) => {
const { register } = useFormContext<TaskFormData | PrefixedTaskFormData<P>>();
return (
<input {...register(prefix ? `${prefix}.title` : 'title')} />


export type PrefixedTaskFormData<P extends string> = {
[K in P]: NestedValue<TaskFormData>
export const TaskForm = <P extends string>({ prefix }: { prefix?: P }) => {
const { register } = useFormContext<TaskFormData | PrefixedTaskFormData<P>>();
return (
<input {...register(prefix ? `${prefix}.title` : 'title')} />





import { FieldError, Path, UseFormReturn } from 'react-hook-form';
import { get } from 'lodash';
import React, { ComponentType } from 'react';
* Props for components wrapped with {@link withForm} should extend this interface.
* Do not pass in a generic, since you don't know what the parent form value will be.
* @example
* export interface MyComponentProps extends FormProps {
*   myCustomProps: string;
* }
// Deliberately using `any` since we don't know what the parent form will look like.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export interface NestedFormProps<ParentComponentFormValue = any> {
form: UseFormReturn<ParentComponentFormValue>;
formPath?: Path<ParentComponentFormValue>;
disabled?: boolean;
* A nested form component doesn't know what the parent form looks like, so it
* needs to use the `formPath` passed down to it. It's easy to forget to use this,
* however, so we nest the form value of the component in a key called `unknownPath`.
* This makes it obvious that there's an issue when you try to pass in a literal
* string without prepending the provided formPath, since TS will provide autocomplete
* options prepended with `unknownPath`.
* To get the proper path, use the `getFormPath` function that's given to you by
* {@link withForm}. You can also use {@link createGetFormPath}, but the {@link withForm}
* is preferred.
export interface NestedFormValue<Value> {
unknownPath: Value;
* A higher-order component, designed for nested form components.
* [CodeSandbox Example](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-watch-v7-ts-forked-b84nri?file=/src/index.tsx)
* @example
* ```tsx
* // App.tsx
* import { PersonForm, PersonFormValue } from "./PersonForm";
* function App() {
*   const form = useForm<PersonFormValue>();
*   return (
*     <>
*       <PersonForm form={form} msg="Nested Forms Example" />
*     </>
*   );
* }
* // PersonForm.tsx
* export interface PersonFormProps extends NestedFormProps {
*   msg: string;
* }
* export interface PersonFormValue {
*   name: NameFormValue;
* }
* export const PersonForm = withForm<PersonFormValue, PersonFormProps>(
* ({ form, getFormPath, msg }) => {
*   return (
*     <>
*       <h3>{msg}</h3>
*       <NameForm form={form} formPath={getFormPath("name")} />
*     </>
*   );
* });
* // NameForm.tsx
* export const NameForm = withForm<NameFormValue, NameFormProps>(
* ({ form, getFormPath }) => {
*   return (
*     <>
*       <label>First</label>
*       <input {...form.register(getFormPath("first"))} />
*       <label>Last</label>
*       <input {...form.register(getFormPath("last"))} />
*     </>
*   );
* });
* ```
export function withForm<Value, Props extends NestedFormProps>(
WrappedComponent: ComponentType<NestedFormInternalProps<Value, Props>>
) {
function Component<ParentValue>({ form, formPath, ...props }: Omit<Props, keyof NestedFormProps> & NestedFormProps<ParentValue>) {
return <WrappedComponent {...getNestedFormInternalProps<Value>(form, formPath)} {...props} />;
// for React Dev Tools
Component.displayName = `withTheme(${WrappedComponent.displayName || WrappedComponent.name || 'Component'})`;
return Component;
/** The props that are passed to a component wrapped with {@link withForm} */
export type NestedFormInternalProps<Value, Props> = ReturnType<NestedFormInternalPropsHelper<Value>['get']> &
Omit<Props, 'form' | 'formPath'>;
/** Used internally by {@link withForm} */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
function getNestedFormInternalProps<Value>(form: UseFormReturn<Value>, formPath?: Path<Value>) {
function getFormPath(): 'unknownPath';
function getFormPath<FormPath extends Path<Value>>(path: FormPath): `unknownPath.${FormPath}`;
function getFormPath<FormPath extends Path<Value>>(path?: FormPath) {
return path ? (concatPaths(formPath, path) as `unknownPath.${FormPath}`) : (formPath as 'unknownPath');
function getErrors(): typeof form.formState.errors;
function getErrors(path: Path<Value>): FieldError;
function getErrors(path?: Path<Value>) {
return path ? (get(form.formState.errors, getFormPath(path)) as FieldError) : form.formState.errors;
return {
form: (form as unknown) as UseFormReturn<NestedFormValue<Value>>,
* Used to join parent form paths with child form paths.
* @example
* ```ts
* concatPaths('a.', '.b.', '3, 'd.'); // returns 'a.b.3.d'
* ```
export function concatPaths(...paths: (string | number | undefined | null)[]): string {
return paths
.join('.') // add . between each path
.replace(/.{2,}/g, '.') // replace .. with .
.replace(/^./, '') // remove leading .
.replace(/.$/, ''); // remove trailing .
* @private Only exists to allow passing a generic to `ReturnType`
* Can be removed once instantiation expressions are available
* https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-4-7-beta/#instantiation-expressions
class NestedFormInternalPropsHelper<Value> {
// has no explicit return type so we can infer it
get(form: UseFormReturn<Value>, formPath?: Path<Value>) {
return getNestedFormInternalProps(form, formPath);


