Nokogiri & 返回两个标签之间的所有数据



<li class="textbox" data-tid="42.5" data-cid="42" data-sid="263" style="display: inline-block;">
<div onclick="" class="item reb-itm-new re-itm263"></div>
<p class="item-title">Clear Rune</p>
<p class="r-itemid">ItemID: 263</p>
<p class="pickup">"Rune mimic"</p>
<p class="quality">Quality: 2</p>
<p>When used, copies the effect of the Rune or Soul stone you are holding (like the Blank Card)</p>
<p>Drops a random rune on the floor when picked up</p>
<p>The recharge time of this item depends on the Rune/Soul Stone held:</p>
<p>1 room: Soul of Lazarus</p>
<p>2 rooms: Rune of Ansuz, Rune of Berkano, Rune of Hagalaz, Soul of Cain</p>
<p>3 rooms: Rune of Algiz, Blank Rune, Soul of Magdalene, Soul of Judas, Soul of ???, Soul of the Lost</p>
<p>4 rooms: Rune of Ehwaz, Rune of Perthro, Black Rune, Soul of Isaac, Soul of Eve, Soul of Eden, Soul of the Forgotten, Soul of Jacob and Esau</p>
<p>6 rooms: Rune of Dagaz, Soul of Samson, Soul of Azazel, Soul of Apollyon, Soul of Bethany</p>
<p>12 rooms: Rune of Jera, Soul of Lilith, Soul of the Keeper</p>
<p>Type: Active</p>
<p>Recharge time: Varies</p>
<p>Item Pool: Secret Room, Crane Game</p>
<p class="tags">* Secret Room</p>

我要做的是返回<p class="quality">之间的所有<p>标签(不包括此标签)&第一个<ul>.


items =".repentanceitems-container").css("li.textbox").each do |item|
use = item.xpath(".//a/span/p[5]/following-sibling::p[count(.//a/span/p[6]/preceding-sibling::p)= 

然而,这只返回<p class="quality">之后的第一个<p>标签。我相信这可能是一些简单的原因,因为我不懂代码。我还访问了第一个<p>元素,我想包括&<ul>,它需要结束,但我不确定究竟如何使用这个信息:

# First line of item use
start = item.xpath('.//a/span/p[5]')
# ul tag
ending = item.xpath('.//a/span/ul[1]')



require "nokogiri"
html = '<li class="textbox" data-tid="42.5" data-cid="42" data-sid="263" style="display: inline-block;"> <a> <div onclick="" class="item reb-itm-new re-itm263"></div> <span> <p class="item-title">Clear Rune</p> <p class="r-itemid">ItemID: 263</p> <p class="pickup">"Rune mimic"</p> <p class="quality">Quality: 2</p> <p>When used, copies the effect of the Rune or Soul stone you are holding (like the Blank Card)</p> <p>Drops a random rune on the floor when picked up</p> <p>The recharge time of this item depends on the Rune/Soul Stone held:</p> <p>1 room: Soul of Lazarus</p> <p>2 rooms: Rune of Ansuz, Rune of Berkano, Rune of Hagalaz, Soul of Cain</p> <p>3 rooms: Rune of Algiz, Blank Rune, Soul of Magdalene, Soul of Judas, Soul of ???, Soul of the Lost</p> <p>4 rooms: Rune of Ehwaz, Rune of Perthro, Black Rune, Soul of Isaac, Soul of Eve, Soul of Eden, Soul of the Forgotten, Soul of Jacob and Esau</p> <p>6 rooms: Rune of Dagaz, Soul of Samson, Soul of Azazel, Soul of Apollyon, Soul of Bethany</p> <p>12 rooms: Rune of Jera, Soul of Lilith, Soul of the Keeper</p> <ul> <p>Type: Active</p> <p>Recharge time: Varies</p> <p>Item Pool: Secret Room, Crane Game</p> </ul> <p class="tags">* Secret Room</p> </span> </a> </li>'
puts Nokogiri::HTML(html).css(".quality ~ p:not(.tags)")[1..].map {|e| e.text}




class CSSSection
def self.item_section(item)
document = item.document
start_tag = item.at_css("p.quality")
end_tag = item.at_css("ul")
# grab siblings that follow the start tag
following_siblings_query = "#{start_tag.path}/following-sibling::*"
following_siblings = document.xpath(following_siblings_query)
# grab siblings that precede the end tag
preceding_siblings_query = "#{end_tag.path}/preceding-sibling::*"
preceding_siblings = document.xpath(preceding_siblings_query)
following_siblings & preceding_siblings # xpath intersection
doc = Nokogiri::HTML4(html)
li_nodes = doc.css("li") # whatever the query is to get the relevant "li" elements
data = do |li_node|
puts data.first
# => <p>When used, copies the effect of the Rune or Soul stone you are holding (like the Blank Card)</p>
#    <p>Drops a random rune on the floor when picked up</p>
#    <p>The recharge time of this item depends on the Rune/Soul Stone held:</p>
#    <p>1 room: Soul of Lazarus</p>
#    <p>2 rooms: Rune of Ansuz, Rune of Berkano, Rune of Hagalaz, Soul of Cain</p>
#    <p>3 rooms: Rune of Algiz, Blank Rune, Soul of Magdalene, Soul of Judas, Soul of ???, Soul of the Lost</p>
#    <p>4 rooms: Rune of Ehwaz, Rune of Perthro, Black Rune, Soul of Isaac, Soul of Eve, Soul of Eden, Soul of the Forgotten, Soul of Jacob and Esau</p>
#    <p>6 rooms: Rune of Dagaz, Soul of Samson, Soul of Azazel, Soul of Apollyon, Soul of Bethany</p>
#    <p>12 rooms: Rune of Jera, Soul of Lilith, Soul of the Keeper</p>
