


import random
print("Welcome to gambling simulator the objective is to get as much money as possible without losing it all you start with 500 dollars, GOOD LUCK!")
rngone = int(input("Where do you want your range to be? >>> "))
tries = int(input("How many tries do you want >>> "))
money = 500
bet = int(input("How much do you want to bet >>>"))
winnings = bet*rngone/tries-bet
winnings = int(winnings)
if bet > money:
print("You can't bet more money than you have")

for i in range(tries):
answer = random.randint(1, rngone)
guess = int(input("Guess! >>> "))

if guess == answer:
money = money + winnings
print("CONGRADULATIONS! You won!", winnings ,"You now have", money,"dollars.")
elif guess != answer:
money = money - bet
print("Not quite!", answer,"was the answer. You lost",bet, "you now have",money)
if money == 0:

elif i == tries:
print("You ran out of tries.")


import random
print("Welcome to gambling simulator the objective is to get as much money as possible without losing it all you start with 500 dollars, GOOD LUCK!")
rngone = int(input("Where do you want your range to be? >>> "))
tries = int(input("How many tries do you want >>> "))
money = 500
bet = int(input("How much do you want to bet >>>"))
winnings = bet * rngone / tries - bet
winnings = int(winnings)
if bet > money:
print("You can't bet more money than you have")
while money > 0:
if tries <= 0:
query = input('You ran out of tries, do you want to continue? (Y/N) ')
if query.upper() == 'N':
print('Thanks for playing gambling simulator goodbye!')
tries = int(input('How many tries do you want? '))
answer = random.randint(1, rngone)
guess = int(input("Guess! >>> "))
if guess == answer:
money = money + winnings
print("CONGRADULATIONS! You won!", winnings, "You now have", money, "dollars.")
elif guess != answer:
money = money - bet
print("Not quite!", answer, "was the answer. You lost", bet, "you now have", money)
tries -= 1


