

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
plot_every = 100
def distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
def main():
Nx = 400 #Cells Across x direction
Ny = 100 #Cells Across y direction
tau = .53 #kinimatic viscosity
tymestep = tau
Nt = 30000 #total iterations
#Lattice Speeds and Velcoties
NL = 9 #There are 9 differnct velocites, (up, down, left, right, up-left diag, up-right diag, down-left diag, down-right diag, and zero)
#NL would be 27 in 3D flow
cxs = np.array([0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1]) #I don't know what this is
cys = np.array([0,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1]) #I don't know what this is
weights = np.array([4/9,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36])
#Initial Conditions
F = np.ones((Ny,Nx,NL)) + 0.01*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx,NL)
F[:,:,3] = 2.3 #Assigning an inital speed in x direction with right as posative
#Drawing Our cylinder
cylinder = np.full((Ny,Nx), False)
radius = 13
for y in range(0,Ny):
for x in range(0,Nx):
if (distance(Nx//4,Ny//2,x,y) < radius):
cylinder[y][x] = True

#main loop
for it in range(Nt):
F[:,-1, [6,7,8]] = F[:,-2, [6,7,8]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
F[:,0, [2,3,4]] = F[:,1, [2,3,4]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
for i, cx, cy in zip(range(NL),cxs, cys): #this line is sligtly differnt than his because I think he made a typo
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cx, axis = 1)
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cy, axis = 0)
bndryF = F[cylinder,:]
bndryF = bndryF[:, [0,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]] #defines what happens in a colsion (reverse the velocity). This works by setting the up vel to down vel etc
#Fluid Variables
rho = np.sum(F,2) #density
ux = np.sum(F * cxs, 2)/rho #x velocity (momentum/mass)
uy = np.sum(F * cys, 2)/rho #y velocity
F[cylinder,: ] = bndryF
ux[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
uy[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
Feq = np.zeros(F.shape)
for i, cx, cy, w in zip(range(NL), cxs, cys, weights):
Feq[:, :, i] = rho * w * (
1 + 3*(cx*ux + cy*uy) + 9*(cx*ux + cy*uy)**2/2 - 3*(ux**2 + uy**2)/2
F += -1/tau * (F-Feq)
if(it%plot_every == 0):
dfydx = ux[2:, 1:-1] - ux[0:-2, 1: -1]
dfxdy = uy[1: -1, 2:] - uy[1: -1, 0: -2]
curl = dfydx - dfxdy
pyplot.imshow(np.sqrt(ux**2+uy**2),cmap = "bwr")
#pyplot.imshow(curl, cmap = "bwr")
pyplot.colorbar(label="Velocity", orientation="horizontal")

if __name__ == "__main__":



import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
plot_every = 100
def distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
def update_colorbar(fig, cmap, param, norm=None):
"""The name is misleading: here we create a new colorbar which will be
placed on the same colorbar axis as the original.
# colorbar axes
cax = None
if len(fig.axes) > 1:
cax = fig.axes[-1]

# remove the previous colorbar, if present
if cax is not None:
if norm is None:
norm = Normalize(vmin=np.amin(param), vmax=np.amax(param))

mappable = ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
fig.colorbar(mappable, orientation="horizontal", label="Velocity", cax=cax)

def main():
Nx = 400 #Cells Across x direction
Ny = 100 #Cells Across y direction
tau = .53 #kinimatic viscosity
tymestep = tau
Nt = 30000 #total iterations
#Lattice Speeds and Velcoties
NL = 9 #There are 9 differnct velocites, (up, down, left, right, up-left diag, up-right diag, down-left diag, down-right diag, and zero)
#NL would be 27 in 3D flow
cxs = np.array([0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1]) #I don't know what this is
cys = np.array([0,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1]) #I don't know what this is
weights = np.array([4/9,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36,1/9,1/36])
#Initial Conditions
F = np.ones((Ny,Nx,NL)) + 0.01*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx,NL)
F[:,:,3] = 2.3 #Assigning an inital speed in x direction with right as posative
#Drawing Our cylinder
cylinder = np.full((Ny,Nx), False)
radius = 13
for y in range(0,Ny):
for x in range(0,Nx):
if (distance(Nx//4,Ny//2,x,y) < radius):
cylinder[y][x] = True
fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
cmap = "bwr"

#main loop
for it in range(Nt):
# clear previous images
F[:,-1, [6,7,8]] = F[:,-2, [6,7,8]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
F[:,0, [2,3,4]] = F[:,1, [2,3,4]] #without this, fluid will bounce off of outside walls (you may want this to happen)
for i, cx, cy in zip(range(NL),cxs, cys): #this line is sligtly differnt than his because I think he made a typo
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cx, axis = 1)
F[:,:,i] = np.roll(F[:,:,i], cy, axis = 0)
bndryF = F[cylinder,:]
bndryF = bndryF[:, [0,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4]] #defines what happens in a colsion (reverse the velocity). This works by setting the up vel to down vel etc
#Fluid Variables
rho = np.sum(F,2) #density
ux = np.sum(F * cxs, 2)/rho #x velocity (momentum/mass)
uy = np.sum(F * cys, 2)/rho #y velocity
F[cylinder,: ] = bndryF
ux[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
uy[cylinder] = 0 #set all velocities in cylinder = 0
Feq = np.zeros(F.shape)
for i, cx, cy, w in zip(range(NL), cxs, cys, weights):
Feq[:, :, i] = rho * w * (
1 + 3*(cx*ux + cy*uy) + 9*(cx*ux + cy*uy)**2/2 - 3*(ux**2 + uy**2)/2
F += -1/tau * (F-Feq)
if(it%plot_every == 0):
dfydx = ux[2:, 1:-1] - ux[0:-2, 1: -1]
dfxdy = uy[1: -1, 2:] - uy[1: -1, 0: -2]
curl = dfydx - dfxdy
img = np.sqrt(ux**2+uy**2)
ax.imshow(img ,cmap = cmap)
#pyplot.imshow(curl, cmap = "bwr")

update_colorbar(fig, cmap, param=img)

if __name__ == "__main__":


norm = Normalize(vmin=np.amin(param), vmax=np.amax(param))

具体来说,您必须为vmax=选择一个明智的(保守的)值。目前是vmax=np.amax(param),但最大值在每次迭代中都会改变。如果我是你,我会选择一个足够大的值,例如np.amax(param) < your_value,以确保每个时间步骤的颜色一致。
