

Sub CreateSenderFolderAndRule()
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim objSenderFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim strFolderName As String
Dim objRules As Outlook.Rules
Dim objRule As Outlook.Rule
Dim objCondition As Outlook.RuleCondition
Dim objAction As Outlook.RuleAction
Dim objRuleExec As Object

' Get reference to the inbox
Set objNS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objInbox = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

' Check if there is a selected item
If Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please select a message to create a folder for."
Exit Sub
End If

' Get the selected item (should be a mail item)
Set objMail = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)

' Check if the sender of the email is already a folder
On Error Resume Next
Set objSenderFolder = objInbox.Folders(objMail.SenderName)
On Error GoTo 0

' If the folder does not exist, create it
If objSenderFolder Is Nothing Then
' Create a folder with the name of the sender
strFolderName = objMail.SenderName
Set objSenderFolder = objInbox.Folders.Add(strFolderName, olFolderInbox)
End If

' Create a rule to move new messages from the sender to the new folder
Set objRules = Application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules()

' Temporarily disable all existing rules
Dim objExistingRule As Outlook.Rule
For Each objExistingRule In objRules
objExistingRule.Enabled = False
Next objExistingRule

' Create the new rule
Set objRule = objRules.Create("Move messages from " & objMail.SenderName, olRuleReceive)
Set objCondition = objRule.Conditions.SenderAddress
With objCondition
.Enabled = True
.Address = objMail.SenderEmailAddress
End With
Set objAction = objRule.Actions.MoveToFolder
With objAction
.Enabled = True
.ExecutionOrder = 1 ' Ensure the rule is executed before other rules
.Folder = objSenderFolder
End With
objRule.Enabled = True

' Re-enable the existing rules
For Each objExistingRule In objRules
objExistingRule.Enabled = True
Next objExistingRule

' Save the rules

' Debugging code to check the rules after the new one has been created
Debug.Print "Number of rules: " & objRules.Count
For Each objExistingRule In objRules
Debug.Print objExistingRule.Name & " - " & objExistingRule.Enabled
Next objExistingRule

' Execute the rule
Set objRuleExec = Application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules.ExecuteRule(objRule.Name)

' Success message
MsgBox "Created folder: " & objSenderFolder.Name & vbCrLf & "Created rule: " & objRule.Name
End Sub


我在Windows 10机器上使用Outlook 365(版本2103),并且我正在Outlook的VBA编辑器中运行宏。




set objRules = Application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules()
Set objRule = objRules.Create("Move messages from " & objMail.SenderName, olRuleReceive)





Sub CreateRule() 
Dim colRules As Outlook.Rules 
Dim oRule As Outlook.Rule 
Dim colRuleActions As Outlook.RuleActions 
Dim oMoveRuleAction As Outlook.MoveOrCopyRuleAction 
Dim oFromCondition As Outlook.ToOrFromRuleCondition 
Dim oExceptSubject As Outlook.TextRuleCondition 
Dim oInbox As Outlook.Folder 
Dim oMoveTarget As Outlook.Folder 

'Specify target folder for rule move action 
Set oInbox = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
'Assume that target folder already exists 
Set oMoveTarget = oInbox.Folders("Eugene") 

'Get Rules from Session.DefaultStore object 
Set colRules = Application.Session.DefaultStore.GetRules() 

'Create the rule by adding a Receive Rule to Rules collection 
Set oRule = colRules.Create("Dan's rule", olRuleReceive) 

'Specify the condition in a ToOrFromRuleCondition object 
'Condition is if the message is from "Dan Wilson" 
Set oFromCondition = oRule.Conditions.From 
With oFromCondition 
.Enabled = True 
.Recipients.Add ("Eugene Astafiev") 
End With 

'Specify the action in a MoveOrCopyRuleAction object 
'Action is to move the message to the target folder 
Set oMoveRuleAction = oRule.Actions.MoveToFolder 
With oMoveRuleAction 
.Enabled = True 
.Folder = oMoveTarget 
End With 

'Specify the exception condition for the subject in a TextRuleCondition object 
'Exception condition is if the subject contains "fun" or "chat" 
Set oExceptSubject = _ 
With oExceptSubject 
.Enabled = True 
.Text = Array("fun", "chat") 
End With 

'Update the server and display progress dialog 
End Sub 
