如:独立([3 t 8 l 0, 5 g, 2],原子,整数)。
原子= [a,g,l,t],整数= [0,2,5,3,8]在swi-prolog中,使用partition/4
separate(List, Atoms, Integers):-
partition(integer, List, Integers, Atoms).
?- separate([3,t,8,l,0,a,5,g,2],Atoms,Integers).
Atoms = [t, l, a, g],
Integers = [3, 8, 0, 5, 2].
atoms_and_ints( [] , [] , [] ) . % The empty list doesn't have any atoms or ints.
atoms_and_ints( [X|Xs] , [X|Atoms] , Ints ) :- % For a non-empty list,
atom(X), % - is the head an atom?
!, % - eliminate the choice point
atoms_and_ints(Xs,Atoms,Ints). % - add it to the atoms and recurse down.
atoms_and_ints( [X|Xs] , Atoms , [X|Ints] ) :- % Similarly,
integer(X), % - is the head an integer?
!, % - eliminate the choice point
atoms_and_ints(Xs,Atoms,Ints). % - if so, add it to the Ints and recurse down.
atoms_and_ints( [_|Xs], Atoms, Ints ) :- % If the head of the list is something else...
atoms_and_ints(Xs,Atoms,Ints). % - discard it and recurse down.