If exists "c:Program Filesxxxxxxxxxxxxx.exe" and version equals "6.xxx.xx" GOTO Uninstall V6
If exists "c:Program Filesxxxxxxxxxxxxx.exe" and version equals "7.xxx.xx" GOTO Uninstall V7
If exists "c:Program Filesxxxxxxxxxxxxx.exe" and version equals "8.xxx.xx" GOTO Uninstall V8
if exist "AppPath.exe" (
powershell "(Get-Item -path "AppPath.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion" | findstr /l "" >nul & if not errorlevel 1 goto uninistall-v6
powershell "(Get-Item -path "AppPath.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion" | findstr /l "" >nul & if not errorlevel 1 goto uninistall-v7
powershell "(Get-Item -path "AppPath.exe").VersionInfo.ProductVersion" | findstr /l "" >nul & if not errorlevel 1 goto uninistall-v8
echo The program or version was not found