

  • 包含2D点的数组all_points,每个点表示为一个元组(x, y)
  • 包含all_points中点的索引的数组musthave_points
  • 一个带m < len(all_points)的整型m

返回一个矩形列表,其中矩形由包含4个顶点的元组((x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3))表示,每个矩形必须满足以下条件:

  1. 包含all_pointsm点,这些m点必须完全位于矩形内,即不位于矩形的任何四个边上。
  2. 包含musthave_points中的所有点。如果musthave_points是一个空列表,则矩形只需要满足第一个条件。




import itertools
import numpy as np 
import cv2 
import copy 
import sys 
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
# Credit: https://github.com/dbworth/minimum-area-bounding-rectangle/blob/master/python/min_bounding_rect.py
def minBoundingRect(hull_points_2d):
#print "Input convex hull points: "
#print hull_points_2d
# Compute edges (x2-x1,y2-y1)
edges = np.zeros((len(hull_points_2d) - 1, 2)) # empty 2 column array
for i in range(len(edges)):
edge_x = hull_points_2d[i+1, 0] - hull_points_2d[i, 0]
edge_y = hull_points_2d[i+1, 1] - hull_points_2d[i, 1]
edges[i] = [edge_x,edge_y]
# Calculate edge angles   atan2(y/x)
edge_angles = np.zeros((len(edges))) # empty 1 column array
for i in range(len(edge_angles)):
edge_angles[i] = np.math.atan2(edges[i,1], edges[i,0])
# Check for angles in 1st quadrant
for i in range(len(edge_angles)):
edge_angles[i] = np.abs(edge_angles[i] % (np.math.pi/2)) # want strictly positive answers
# Remove duplicate angles
edge_angles = np.unique(edge_angles)
# Test each angle to find bounding box with smallest area
min_bbox = (0, sys.maxsize, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) # rot_angle, area, width, height, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
for i in range(len(edge_angles) ):
R = np.array([[np.math.cos(edge_angles[i]), np.math.cos(edge_angles[i]-(np.math.pi/2))], [np.math.cos(edge_angles[i]+(np.math.pi/2)), np.math.cos(edge_angles[i])]])
# Apply this rotation to convex hull points
rot_points = np.dot(R, np.transpose(hull_points_2d)) # 2x2 * 2xn
# Find min/max x,y points
min_x = np.nanmin(rot_points[0], axis=0)
max_x = np.nanmax(rot_points[0], axis=0)
min_y = np.nanmin(rot_points[1], axis=0)
max_y = np.nanmax(rot_points[1], axis=0)
# Calculate height/width/area of this bounding rectangle
width = max_x - min_x
height = max_y - min_y
area = width*height
# Store the smallest rect found first (a simple convex hull might have 2 answers with same area)
if (area < min_bbox[1]):
min_bbox = (edge_angles[i], area, width, height, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y)
# Re-create rotation matrix for smallest rect
angle = min_bbox[0]   
R = np.array([[np.math.cos(angle), np.math.cos(angle-(np.math.pi/2))], [np.math.cos(angle+(np.math.pi/2)), np.math.cos(angle)]])
# Project convex hull points onto rotated frame
proj_points = np.dot(R, np.transpose(hull_points_2d)) # 2x2 * 2xn
#print "Project hull points are n", proj_points
# min/max x,y points are against baseline
min_x = min_bbox[4]
max_x = min_bbox[5]
min_y = min_bbox[6]
max_y = min_bbox[7]
#print "Min x:", min_x, " Max x: ", max_x, "   Min y:", min_y, " Max y: ", max_y
# Calculate center point and project onto rotated frame
center_x = (min_x + max_x)/2
center_y = (min_y + max_y)/2
center_point = np.dot([center_x, center_y], R)
#print "Bounding box center point: n", center_point
# Calculate corner points and project onto rotated frame
corner_points = np.zeros((4,2)) # empty 2 column array
corner_points[0] = np.dot([max_x, min_y], R)
corner_points[1] = np.dot([min_x, min_y], R)
corner_points[2] = np.dot([min_x, max_y], R)
corner_points[3] = np.dot([max_x, max_y], R)
return (angle, min_bbox[1], min_bbox[2], min_bbox[3], center_point, corner_points) # rot_angle, area, width, height, center_point, corner_points
class PatchGenerator:
def __init__(self, all_points, musthave_points, m):
self.all_points = copy.deepcopy(all_points)
self.n = len(all_points)
self.musthave_points = copy.deepcopy(musthave_points)
self.m = m
def create_rectangle(points):
rot_angle, area, width, height, center_point, corner_points = minBoundingRect(points)
return corner_points 
def is_point_inside_rectangle(rect, point):
pts = Point(*point)
polygon = Polygon(rect)
return polygon.contains(pts)
def check_valid_rectangle(self, rect, the_complement):
# checking if the rectangle contains any other point from `the_complement`
for point in the_complement:
if self.is_point_inside_rectangle(rect, point):
return False
return True 
def generate(self):
rects = [] 
# generate all combinations of m points, including points from musthave_points
the_rest_indices = list(set(range(self.n)).difference(self.musthave_points))
comb_indices = itertools.combinations(the_rest_indices, self.m - len(self.musthave_points))
comb_indices = [self.musthave_points + list(inds) for inds in comb_indices]
# for each combination
for comb in comb_indices:
comb_points = np.array(self.all_points)[comb]
## create the rectangle that covers all m points
rect = self.create_rectangle(comb_points)
## check if the rectangle is valid 
the_complement_indices = list(set(range(self.n)).difference(comb))
the_complement_points = list(np.array(self.all_points)[the_complement_indices])
if self.check_valid_rectangle(rect, the_complement_points):
rects.append([comb, rect]) # indices of m points and 4 vertices of the valid rectangle
return rects 
if __name__ == '__main__':
all_points = [[47.43, 20.5 ], [47.76, 43.8 ], [47.56, 23.74], [46.61, 23.73], [47.49, 18.94], [46.95, 25.29], [54.31, 23.5], [48.07, 17.77],
[48.2 , 34.87], [47.24, 22.07], [47.32, 27.05], [45.56, 17.95], [41.29, 19.33], [45.48, 28.49], [42.94, 15.24], [42.05, 34.3 ],
[41.04, 26.3 ], [45.37, 21.17], [45.44, 24.78], [44.54, 43.89], [30.49, 26.79], [40.55, 22.81]]
musthave_points =  [3, 5, 9]
m = 17 
patch_generator = PatchGenerator(all_points, musthave_points, 17)
patches = patch_generator.generate()

