
我使用angular-testing-library进行组件测试。当expect for fail时,在设置值之后,我的测试用例没有失败。有人帮我吗?(title,newTitle - @inputs)

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/angular';
import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event";
import { UserViewComponent } from './user-view.component';
import { provideMockStore } from "@ngrx/store/testing";
import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing';
import { ShellUserViewComponent } from '../../containers/shell-user-view/shell-user-view.component';
import { of } from 'rxjs';

describe('ShellUserViewComponent', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await render(ShellUserViewComponent, {
componentProperties: {
title: "welcome to Chennai",
newTitle: "new title for test",
users$: of([])
imports: [RouterTestingModule],
declarations: [UserViewComponent],
providers: [provideMockStore({})]
it('should find the welcome as title', () => {
expect(screen.findByText(/welcome to Chennaicc/i)).toBeTruthy(); //not failing cc added
expect(screen.findByText(/new title for testx/i)).toBeTruthy(); //not failing x added


it('should find the welcome as title', async () => {
expect(await screen.findByText(/welcome to Chennaicc/i)).toBeTruthy(); //not failing cc added
expect(await screen.findByText(/new title for testx/i)).toBeTruthy(); //not failing x added
