

我用html, scss, javascript创建了一个小费计算器。没有教程使用,所以我很自豪。这比我计划的时间要长得多,但已经完成了。不用说,我完全是个初学者。






// Upper Box Selections
const tipPercent = document.querySelector(".tip-percent");
const tipSlider = document.querySelector("#tip-slider");
tipSlider.oninput = function () {
billInput = Number(document.querySelector("#bill-amt").value);
tipPercent.innerHTML = this.value + "%";
//Discovered that number input type still returns a string
//You can wrap multiple variables in parenthesis in order to append methods
let tipAmount = document.querySelector(".tip-amount");
// if a variable is referenced but not defined, it will be added to the window element - can now use in second function
tipTotal = Number((billInput * Number(this.value / 100)).toFixed(2));
tipAmount.innerHTML = "$" + tipTotal.toFixed(2);
const billTotal = document.querySelector(".bill-total");
billForSplit = Number(billInput + tipTotal).toFixed(2);
billTotal.innerHTML =
"<strong>$</strong>" + "<strong>" + billForSplit + "</strong>";
// Bottom Box Selections
// -Grab slider value
const splitSlider = document.querySelector("#split-slider");
splitSlider.oninput = function () {
// -Grab split person value-split PERSON for 1, people for more than 1
const splitPeople = document.querySelector(".split-people");
if (splitSlider.value <= 1) {
splitPeople.innerHTML = splitSlider.value + " person";
} else {
splitPeople.innerHTML = splitSlider.value + " people";
// -grab tip per person value
const splitTip = document.querySelector(".split-tip");
// -grab total bill per person value
const splitTotal = document.querySelector(".split-total");
// - tip per person equals tipTotal / split slider value
splitTip.innerHTML = "$" + (tipTotal / splitSlider.value).toFixed(2);
// -total bill/person = billTotal / splitSlider.value
splitTotal.innerHTML =
"<strong>$</strong>" +
"<strong>" +
(billForSplit / splitSlider.value).toFixed(2) +



const tipPercent = document.querySelector(".tip-percent");
const tipSlider = document.querySelector("#tip-slider");
function calcTotal() {
billInput = Number(document.querySelector("#bill-amt").value);
tipPercent.innerHTML = this.value + "%";
//Discovered that number input type still returns a string
//You can wrap multiple variables in parenthesis in order to append methods
let tipAmount = document.querySelector(".tip-amount");
// if a variable is referenced but not defined, it will be added to the window element - can now use in second function
tipTotal = Number((billInput * Number(this.value / 100)).toFixed(2));
tipAmount.innerHTML = "$" + tipTotal.toFixed(2);
const billTotal = document.querySelector(".bill-total");
billForSplit = Number(billInput + tipTotal).toFixed(2);
billTotal.innerHTML =
"<strong>$</strong>" + "<strong>" + billForSplit + "</strong>";
tipSlider.oninput = calcTotal;
document.querySelector("#bill-amt").oninput = calcTotal;
