无法移动Mapbox V10中的AnnotationView

我一直在使用Mapbox v6,但我收到Mapbox的邮件,要求升级到v10以获得最新的更新。

我的应用程序使用Mapbox来显示自定义地图和显示多个用户的实时位置。在V6中,我们实现了自定义注解,并从这个mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, viewFor annotation: MGLAnnotation) -> MGLAnnotationView?方法中获取自定义注解视图。然后我们改变annotationView.coordinate,它工作得很好,我们的地图能够显示每个用户的实时位置数据。

在新的v10 SDK,我试图显示PointAnnotation有固定的位置,无法改变。要更改PointAnnotation的位置,我们需要从pointAnnotationManager中删除该注释,然后添加带有更新位置的新注释,这看起来相当奇怪。



private func annotation(at location: CLLocation, forDevice device: String) -> UIView? {
guard let mapView = self.mapView else { return nil }

let options = ViewAnnotationOptions(
geometry: Point(location.coordinate),
width: 100,
height: 40,
associatedFeatureId: device,
allowOverlap: false,
anchor: .center

guard let userMarker = mapView.viewAnnotations.view(forFeatureId: device) {
let sampleView = createSampleView(withText: "Hello world!")
// Added annotation view when it does not exist
try? mapView.viewAnnotations.add(sampleView, options: options)
return sampleView
// Update Annotation's position if already added
try? mapView.viewAnnotations.update(userMarker, options: options)
return userMarker


private func annotation(at location: CLLocation, forDevice device: String) -> UIView? {
guard let mapView = self.mapView else { return nil }

let options = ViewAnnotationOptions(
geometry: Point(location.coordinate),
width: 100,
height: 40,
associatedFeatureId: device,
allowOverlap: false,
anchor: .center

if let userMarker = mapView.viewAnnotations.view(forFeatureId: device) {
// Removed annotation if already exists
try? mapView.viewAnnotations.remove(userMarker)

// Created new annotation and added again to the map.
// This seems quite weird as we need to add/remove annotation views just to change location of any annotation.
let sampleView = createSampleView(withText: "Hello world!")
try? mapView.viewAnnotations.add(sampleView, options: options)
//try? mapView.viewAnnotations.update(userMarker, options: options)
return sampleView








private var viewsForDevices = [String: UIView]()
private func addOrUpdateAnnotationView(at location: CLLocation, forDevice device: String) -> UIView? {
guard let mapView = self.mapView else { return nil }
// check if the view for the device already exists
if let viewAnnotation = viewsForDevices[device] {
let updateOptions = ViewAnnotationOptions(geometry: Point(location.coordinate)) // update just the location
try! mapView.viewAnnotations.update(viewAnnotation, options: updateOptions)
return viewAnnotation
} else {
// create an annotation view and add it to the map
let options = ViewAnnotationOptions(
geometry: Point(location.coordinate),
width: 100,
height: 40,
allowOverlap: false,
anchor: .center
let sampleView = createSampleView(withText: "Hello world!")
try! mapView.viewAnnotations.add(sampleView, options: options)
viewsForDevices[device] = view
return sampleView


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