

Private Sub Login_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
#Region "Create security login buttons in random order"
#Region "Generating randomisation"
Dim random As New Random()
Dim FirstButton As Integer
Dim SecondButton As Integer
Dim ThirdButton As Integer
Dim FourthButton As Integer
#Region "Sets random value for FirstButton"
FirstButton = Convert.ToString(random.Next(0, 3))
#End Region
#Region "Sets random value for SecondButton"
Do While SecondButton = FirstButton
SecondButton = Convert.ToString(random.Next(0, 3))
#End Region
#Region "Sets random value for ThirdButton"
Do While ThirdButton = FirstButton Or ThirdButton = SecondButton
ThirdButton = Convert.ToString(random.Next(0, 3))
#End Region
#Region "Sets random value for FourthButton"
Dim AssignValZero As Integer = 0
Dim AssignValOne As Integer = 1
Dim AssignValTwo As Integer = 2
Dim AssignValThree As Integer = 3
If AssignValZero = FirstButton Or SecondButton Or ThirdButton Then
If AssignValOne = FirstButton Or SecondButton Or ThirdButton Then
If AssignValTwo = FirstButton Or SecondButton Or ThirdButton Then
If AssignValThree = FirstButton Or SecondButton Or ThirdButton Then
FourthButton = AssignValThree
End If
FourthButton = AssignValTwo
End If
FourthButton = AssignValOne
End If
FourthButton = AssignValZero
End If
#End Region
#End Region
#Region "Creating actual buttons"
#Region "Create SquareButton"
Dim SquareButton As Button = New Button
Dim ButtonSpacer As Integer = 12
SquareButton.Height = 150
SquareButton.Width = 100
SquareButton.Image = My.Resources.Square
If FirstButton = 0 Then
SquareButton.Location = New Point((0 * SquareButton.Width) + (1 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf FirstButton = 1 Then
SquareButton.Location = New Point((1 * SquareButton.Width) + (2 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf FirstButton = 2 Then
SquareButton.Location = New Point((2 * SquareButton.Width) + (3 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf FirstButton = 3 Then
SquareButton.Location = New Point((3 * SquareButton.Width) + (4 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
End If
#End Region
#Region "Create RoundButton"
Dim RoundButton As Button = New Button
RoundButton.Height = 150
RoundButton.Width = 100
RoundButton.Image = My.Resources.Circle
If SecondButton = 0 Then
RoundButton.Location = New Point((0 * RoundButton.Width) + (1 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf SecondButton = 1 Then
RoundButton.Location = New Point((1 * RoundButton.Width) + (2 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf SecondButton = 2 Then
RoundButton.Location = New Point((2 * RoundButton.Width) + (3 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf SecondButton = 3 Then
RoundButton.Location = New Point((3 * RoundButton.Width) + (4 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
End If
#End Region
#Region "Create TriangleButton"
Dim TriangleButton As Button = New Button
TriangleButton.Height = 150
TriangleButton.Width = 100
TriangleButton.Image = My.Resources.Triangle
If ThirdButton = 0 Then
TriangleButton.Location = New Point((0 * TriangleButton.Width) + (1 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf ThirdButton = 1 Then
TriangleButton.Location = New Point((1 * TriangleButton.Width) + (2 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf ThirdButton = 2 Then
TriangleButton.Location = New Point((2 * TriangleButton.Width) + (3 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf ThirdButton = 3 Then
TriangleButton.Location = New Point((3 * TriangleButton.Width) + (4 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
End If
#End Region
#Region "Create HexagonButton"
Dim OctagonButton As Button = New Button
OctagonButton.Height = 150
OctagonButton.Width = 100
OctagonButton.Image = My.Resources.Hexagon
If FourthButton = 0 Then
OctagonButton.Location = New Point((0 * OctagonButton.Width) + (1 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf FourthButton = 1 Then
OctagonButton.Location = New Point((1 * OctagonButton.Width) + (2 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf FourthButton = 2 Then
OctagonButton.Location = New Point((2 * OctagonButton.Width) + (3 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
ElseIf FourthButton = 3 Then
OctagonButton.Location = New Point((3 * OctagonButton.Width) + (4 * ButtonSpacer), 25)
End If
#End Region
#End Region
#End Region
End Sub


Private ReadOnly rng As New Random
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Get a list of the Buttons in the container.
Dim buttons = TableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Cast(Of Button)().ToArray()
'Get a full list of the cell positions of the Buttons and randomise it.
Dim cellPositions = buttons.Select(Function(b) TableLayoutPanel1.GetCellPosition(b)).
OrderBy(Function(tlpcp) rng.NextDouble()).
'Assign the random cell positions back to the Buttons.
For i = 0 To buttons.GetUpperBound(0)
TableLayoutPanel1.SetCellPosition(buttons(i), cellPositions(i))
End Sub


Private ReadOnly rng As New Random
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim buttons = FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.
Cast(Of Button)().
OrderBy(Function(b) rng.NextDouble()).
End Sub

