在 python 中更改赋值顺序时"Time limit exceeded"


cur, cur.next, prev = cur.next, prev, cur

其中CCD_ 1和CCD_。发生的最有趣的事情是,当我给出:

cur.next, cur, prev = prev, cur.next, cur




while True:
while i<k and right:
if i==k:
for _ in range(k):
***cur.next, cur, prev = prev, cur.next, cur***
return h.next



cur, cur.next, ... = ...


cur.next, cur, ... = ...

这首先分配给cur.next,其中cur仍然是旧值。然后到CCD_ 8。






  • 一个节点将错过到下一个节点的链接,如果你愿意的话,该节点将变得无链接
  • 或者一个节点会链接回自己(就像一个圆圈(,列表就会过时


# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode(object):
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
class Solution(object):
def reverseKGroup(self, head, k):
:type head: ListNode
:type k: int
:rtype: ListNode
h = jump = ListNode(0)
h.next = left = right = head
while True:
i = 0
while i < k and right:
i += 1
right = right.next
if i == k:
prev = right
cur = left
for _ in range(k):
cur.next, cur, prev = prev, cur.next, cur
jump.next, jump, left = prev, left, right
return h.next


class Solution:
def reverseKGroup(self, head, k):
def rev(head, count):
prev, curr, next = None, head, head
while count > 0:
next = curr.next
curr.next = prev
prev, curr, count = curr, next, count - 1
return (curr, prev)
count, curr = 0, head
while curr and count < k:
curr, count = curr.next, count + 1
if count < k:
return head
new_head, prev = rev(head, count)
head.next = self.reverseKGroup(new_head, k)
return prev



class Solution:

def reverseLinkedList(self, head, k):

# Reverse k nodes of the given linked list.
# This function assumes that the list contains 
# atleast k nodes.
new_head, ptr = None, head
while k:

# Keep track of the next node to process in the
# original list
next_node = ptr.next

# Insert the node pointed to by "ptr"
# at the beginning of the reversed list
ptr.next = new_head
new_head = ptr

# Move on to the next node
ptr = next_node

# Decrement the count of nodes to be reversed by 1
k -= 1

# Return the head of the reversed list
return new_head

def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode:

count = 0
ptr = head

# First, see if there are atleast k nodes
# left in the linked list.
while count < k and ptr:
ptr = ptr.next
count += 1

# If we have k nodes, then we reverse them
if count == k: 

# Reverse the first k nodes of the list and
# get the reversed list's head.
reversedHead = self.reverseLinkedList(head, k)

# Now recurse on the remaining linked list. Since
# our recursion returns the head of the overall processed
# list, we use that and the "original" head of the "k" nodes
# to re-wire the connections.
head.next = self.reverseKGroup(ptr, k)
return reversedHead
return head


class Solution:

def reverseLinkedList(self, head, k):

# Reverse k nodes of the given linked list.
# This function assumes that the list contains 
# atleast k nodes.
new_head, ptr = None, head
while k:

# Keep track of the next node to process in the
# original list
next_node = ptr.next

# Insert the node pointed to by "ptr"
# at the beginning of the reversed list
ptr.next = new_head
new_head = ptr

# Move on to the next node
ptr = next_node

# Decrement the count of nodes to be reversed by 1
k -= 1

# Return the head of the reversed list
return new_head

def reverseKGroup(self, head: ListNode, k: int) -> ListNode:

ptr = head
ktail = None

# Head of the final, moified linked list
new_head = None

# Keep going until there are nodes in the list
while ptr:
count = 0

# Start counting nodes from the head
ptr = head

# Find the head of the next k nodes
while count < k and ptr:
ptr = ptr.next
count += 1
# If we counted k nodes, reverse them        
if count == k:

# Reverse k nodes and get the new head
revHead = self.reverseLinkedList(head, k)

# new_head is the head of the final linked list
if not new_head:
new_head = revHead

# ktail is the tail of the previous block of 
# reversed k nodes
if ktail:
ktail.next = revHead

ktail = head 
head = ptr

# attach the final, possibly un-reversed portion
if ktail:
ktail.next = head

return new_head if new_head else head


  • 有关更多详细信息,请参阅讨论板,在那里您可以找到大量解释良好的公认解决方案,这些解决方案使用各种语言,包括低复杂度算法和渐近运行时/内存分析1,2
