
我是Python的新手,需要一些帮助。我需要帮助从文本框中检索输入并将其存储在变量中。这就是我目前的GUI。基本上,我只想返回每个文本框的输入,并将其存储在一个变量中。我想自从我用了";return like_userInput";我可以将输入存储在该变量中,但它不起作用。如有任何信息,我们将不胜感激。我仍然是编程的新手,我希望你能给我任何反馈。

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import *
# this is the function called when the button is clicked
def btnClickFunction():
print('Submitted information to script.')

# this is a function to get the user input from the text input box
def getInputBoxValue():
like_userInput = like_input.get()
return like_userInput

# this is a function to get the user input from the text input box
def getInputBoxValue():
comment_userInput = comment_input.get()
return comment_userInput

# this is a function to get the user input from the text input box
def getInputBoxValue():
follow_userInput = follow_input.get()
return follow_userInput

root = Tk()
# This is the section of code which creates the main window

# This is the section of code which creates a button
Button(root, text='Submit', bg='#F702D9', font=('arial', 12, 'normal'), 
command=btnClickFunction).place(x=280, y=287)
Label(root, text='Powered by Zephyr', bg='#00F5FF', foreground='#F702D9', font=('arial', 20, 
'bold')).place(x=190, y=10)

# This is the section of code which creates the a label
Label(root, text='Number of Likes', bg='#00F5FF', font=('arial', 12, 'bold')).place(x=125, y=110)

# This is the section of code which creates the a label
Label(root, text='% of Comments', bg='#00F5FF', font=('arial', 12, 'bold')).place(x=128, y=130)

# This is the section of code which creates the a label
Label(root, text='% of Follows', bg='#00F5FF', font=('arial', 12, 'bold')).place(x=138, y=150)

# This is the section of code which creates a text input box
like_input.place(x=350, y=115)

# This is the section of code which creates a text input box
comment_input.place(x=350, y=135)

# This is the section of code which creates a text input box
follow_input.place(x=350, y=155)



# this is a function to get the user input from the text input box
def getInputBoxValue():
like_userInput = like_input.get()
return like_userInput

# this is a function to get the user input from the text input box
def getInputBoxValue():
comment_userInput = comment_input.get()
return comment_userInput

# this is a function to get the user input from the text input box
def getInputBoxValue():
follow_userInput = follow_input.get()
return follow_userInput


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