


bool isFullTreehelper(TreeNode* R00t) 
//if empty tree then true
if (R00t == NULL)
return true;
//leaf node
if (R00t->left == NULL && R00t->right == NULL)
return true;
//if (R00t->left != NULL && R00t->right != NULL)
//return true;

if ((R00t->left != NULL) && (R00t->right != NULL))
return (isFullTreehelper(R00t->left) && isFullTreehelper(R00t->right));
return false;

//update: addditonal code (currently checking to see if this creates a balanced tree)
TreeNode* sortedArrayToBST_helper(ItemType items[], int start, int end)
// continue while this branch has values to process
if (start > end)
return NULL;
// Get the middle element and make it root
int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
TreeNode* head = new TreeNode(items[mid]);
// Recursively construct the left subtree
// and make it left child of root
head->left = sortedArrayToBST_helper(items, start, mid - 1);
// Recursively construct the right subtree
// and make it right child of root
head->right = sortedArrayToBST_helper(items, mid + 1, end);
return head;
void TreeType::sortedArrayToBST(ItemType items[], int l)
root = sortedArrayToBST_helper(items, 0, l);
//debug lines
//cout << root->info << endl;
//cout << root->left->info << endl;
//cout << root->right->info << endl;
//cout << root->left->left->info << endl;
//cout << root->left->right->info << endl;
//cout << root->right->left->info << endl;
//cout << root->right->right->info << endl;


总之,在调用sortedArrayBST 时,解决方案是从长度中减去1
