

char wordFirstLetter;
struct BankAccount arrAccounts[20];
struct TransactionRequest arrTransactions[20];
int numAccounts = 0;
int numTransactions = 0;
int currAccountIndex = 0;
int currClient = 1;
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line),fp))
// We will be getting the words on each line using strtok()
//Gets the first word in the line
char *word = strtok(line, " ");
wordFirstLetter = word[0];
// Checks if the first letter of the line is 'a'
// If it is, then we know we are setting up the account
if(wordFirstLetter == 'a')
//not related
// Otherwise we are dealing with a client
while(word != NULL)
if(word[0] == 'c')
// Move on to the next word if we see that we are
// dealing with a client
word = strtok(NULL, " ");
// Create a structure to represent the current request
struct TransactionRequest transaction;
// Append the client number of the client doing the transaction
transaction.client = currClient;

// Append the type of transaction and move to next word
char *transType = word;
transaction.requestType = transType;
printf("This is the value of word: %sn", word);
printf("%sn", transaction.requestType);
word = strtok(NULL, " ");

// Append the account number that will be altered and move to next word
transaction.account = word[1] - '0';
word = strtok(NULL, " ");

// Append the amount for the transaction and move to next word
int transAmount = atoi(word);
transaction.amount = transAmount;
word = strtok(NULL, " ");

// Append this transaction to an array containing all transactions in the file
arrTransactions[numTransactions] = transaction;
// Each line represents a client, so when we are done with the
// line we move to the next client
for(int i = 0; i < numTransactions; i++)
struct TransactionRequest transaction = arrTransactions[i];
printf("This is the client number: %dn", transaction.client);
printf("This is the request type: %sn", transaction.requestType);
printf("This is the account to be accessed: %dn", transaction.account);
printf("This is the amount: %dn", transaction.amount);


struct TransactionRequest
// ID if the client doing the transaction
int client;
// Type of transaction the client is doing
char *requestType;
// Account number of the account the client is dealing with
int account;
// Amount of money that is boing moved around
int amount;



struct TransactionRequest
// ID if the client doing the transaction
int client;
// Type of transaction the client is doing
char requestType[REQUEST_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH];
// Account number of the account the client is dealing with
int account;
// Amount of money that is boing moved around
int amount;


