我最近在CodeBullet的Snake A.I.视频中发现了哈密顿路径/电路,并决定自己试一试。我编写了一个基本的深度优先搜索算法来访问图中的所有节点,并在电路完成时存储路径。
# Global list to store the Hamilton Circuit
hamiltonPath = []
# Recursive DFS Function
def dfs(node, start, currentPath = [], depth = 1):
# Return if the circuit is already discovered
if hamiltonPath != []: return
# Add current node to current path
# Explore neighbors of the current node
for neighbor in node.neighbors:
# Check if the neighbor completes the circuit
if neighbor == start and depth == totalNodes:
hamiltonPath = curPath.copy()
# Otherwise if neighbor is unvisited continue DFS search
if neighbor not in curPath:
dfs(neighbor, start, curPath.copy(), depth + 1)
def HamiltionPath(rows, cols):
# No solution case
if rows%2 != 0 and cols%2 != 0:
print("No solution exists")
return []
# Initialize path
path = []
# If rows are even
if rows%2 == 0:
# Starting point
j = 0
# Start traversal
for i in range(rows):
if j <= 1:
while j < cols - 1:
#print(i, j)
path.append(i * cols + j)
j += 1
elif j == cols - 1:
while j != 1:
#print(i, j)
path.append(i * cols + j)
j -= 1
#print(i, j)
path.append(i * cols + j)
# Final row
j = 0
for i in range(rows):
#print(rows - i - 1, j)
path.append((rows - i - 1) * cols + j)
# If cols are even
# Starting point
i = 0
# Start traversal
for j in range(cols):
if i <= 1:
while i < rows - 1:
#print(i, j)
path.append(i * cols + j)
i += 1
elif i == rows - 1:
while i != 1:
#print(i, j)
path.append(i * cols + j)
i -= 1
#print(i, j)
path.append(i * cols + j)
# Final row
i = 0
for j in range(cols):
#print(i, cols - j - 1)
path.append(i * cols + (cols - j - 1))
return path
path = HamiltionPath(6, 6)
for i in path: print(i, end = ' ')
Path: 0 1 2 3 4 5 11 10 9 8 7 13 14 15 16 17 23 22 21 20 19 25 26 27 28 29 35 34
33 32 31 30 24 18 12 6 0