
如何在R 中将"调用原因"one_answers"解决方案"键值对从列中提取到两个单独的列中

> dput(head(asummy, 10))
structure(list(`arrange_df[, 12]` = c("Customer Name: JOErnReason for the Call: BP Set UprnResolution: rnvisual audit on the accountrnset expectations in BPrnoffered call backrnCenter Location: ClarkrnCTN (Number Calling About): ************************************rnAVAYA (Number Calling From): ************************************rnAgent UID: cm***************************urn", 
"Name: Kim PutokrnCtn: ************************************rnReason for calling: lost phone/ ************************************/ follow up on insurance claim/ routed to asurionrnResolution:rnLocation: Clarkrnattuid: gb***************************rrn", 
"Customer Name: Heather rnReason for the Call:    got suspended / card issue / supposedly paid / complains she just updated online her card then got susprnResolution:  rnCenter Location: ClarkrnCTN:  ************************************rnAlt No:  ************************************rnCredit Reason:  ********* courtesy rnAgent UID: rc***************************w/I-EQR******************Grn", 
"Customer Name: GLORIA ;      CTN: ************************************      Affected CTN: ************************************      Alternate Number: none      Reason for the Call: change rate plan      Resolution: set exp on changing rate plan      Agent UID: gt***************************g", 
"Customer Name: BRANDY rnReason for the Call: paymentrnRecommendations/Troubleshooting Steps:rnResolution: explained card errorsrnasked for alt # but no goodrnoffered to use different card or refill cardrnsent qp linkrnshe will go to bank to check as per cxrnCenter Location:rnCTN: ************************************rnCredit Reason (If credit was applied to account):rnAgent UID: jq***************************nrn", 
"Customer Name: ; ;Leahi ;  Reason for the Call: ; ; ;billing issue / ******************.****************** dollars only orig. bill / due date shld be *********th / why ****************** now? / ctn change questions ;  Resolution: ; ;explained bill / ctn change info provided ;  Center Location: ;Clark  CTN: ; ;************************************  Alt No:  Credit Reason:  Agent UID: rc***************************w/I-K*********GMDR", 
"Customer Name: MICHAELrnReason for the Call: ACCOUNT BAL INQrnrnRecommendations/Troubleshooting Steps:rn*Account verified and provided informationrnrnResolution: rn*calling about the account statusrn*suspended due to BBPrn*adv about BP policyrn*Provided payment optionsrnrnCenter Location:ClarkrnCTN************************************:rnCredit Reason (If credit was applied to account):rnAgent UID:rc*********rn", 
"Customer Name: KimberlyrnCTN: ************************************rnAffected CTN:************************************rnAlternate Number: nonernReason for the Call: add mhs otc $******************rnResolution: added mhs otc  $******************rnAgent UID: gt***************************grn", 
"auto pop / suspended linern-cx speaking spanishrn-transfered callrn", 
"Customer Name: TERRELL ;  Reason for the Call: payment  Recommendations/Troubleshooting Steps:  Resolution: payment success  test and validated  CTN: ************************************  Credit Reason (If credit was applied to account):  Agent UID: jq***************************n"
)), row.names = c(NA, 10L), class = "data.frame")


  • 许多行似乎由rn:分隔

    Customer Name: JOErnReason for the Call: BP Set Uprn...

    部分采用CCD_ 2

    Customer Name: GLORIA ;      CTN: ...


    Customer Name: GLORIA ;      CTN: ************************************      Affected CTN: ...
  • 有些似乎毫无理由地有多个分号,

    Customer Name: ; ;Leahi ;  Reason for the Call: ; ; ;billing issue ...
  • 其中一个看起来是孤立的(没有键(,也许它是从前一行的字段连接起来的?

    auto pop / suspended linern-cx speaking spanishrn-transfered callrn
  • CTN和其修订值之间的一行上似乎缺少冒号

    ...rnCenter Location:ClarkrnCTN************************************:rn
fun <- function(z) {
z <- trimws(z)
gre <- gregexpr("\b([A-Z][^:]+:)", z)
lhs <- lapply(regmatches(z, gre), trimws)
rhs <- lapply(regmatches(z, gre, invert = TRUE), trimws)
rhs <- lapply(rhs, function(R) R[if (!nzchar(R[1])) -1 else TRUE])
z <- sapply(Map(paste, lhs, rhs), paste, collapse = "rn")
if (!grepl(":", z)) z <- paste("UNK:", z)
with(list(r = strsplit(z, "[rn;]+")[[1]]),
sapply(split(r, cumsum(grepl(":", r))), paste, collapse = "rn"))
library(tidyr) # unnest, separate
dat %>%
transmute(row = row_number(), L = lapply(`arrange_df[, 12]`, fun)) %>%
unnest(L) %>%
separate(L, sep = ":", into = c("lhs", "rhs"), fill = "right") %>%
mutate(across(c(lhs, rhs), trimws)) %>%
as.data.frame()                      # purely so you can see all of the data here, not required
#    row                                              lhs                                                                                                                                                               rhs
# 1    1                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                               JOE
# 2    1                              Reason for the Call                                                                                                                                                         BP Set Up
# 3    1                                       Resolution                                                                                     visual audit on the accountrnset expectations inrnBPrnoffered call back
# 4    1                                  Center Location                                                                                                                                                             Clark
# 5    1                       CTN (Number Calling About)                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 6    1                      AVAYA (Number Calling From)                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 7    1                                        Agent UID                                                                                                                                    cm***************************u
# 8    2                                             Name                                                                                                                                                         Kim Putok
# 9    2                                              Ctn                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 10   2                               Reason for calling                                                                 lost phone/ ************************************/ follow up on insurance claim/ routed to asurion
# 11   2                                       Resolution                                                                                                                                                                  
# 12   2                                         Location                                                                                                                                                             Clark
# 13   2                                           attuid                                                                                                                                    gb***************************r
# 14   3                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                           Heather
# 15   3                              Reason for the Call                                                           got suspended / card issue / supposedly paid / complains she just updated online her card then got susp
# 16   3                                       Resolution                                                                                                                                                                  
# 17   3                                  Center Location                                                                                                                                                             Clark
# 18   3                                              CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 19   3                                           Alt No                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 20   3                                    Credit Reason                                                                                                                                                ********* courtesy
# 21   3                                        Agent UID                                                                                                           rc***************************w/I-EQR******************G
# 22   4                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                            GLORIA
# 23   4                                              CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 24   4                                     Affected CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 25   4                                 Alternate Number                                                                                                                                                              none
# 26   4                              Reason for the Call                                                                                                                                                  change rate plan
# 27   4                                       Resolution                                                                                                                                     set exp on changing rate plan
# 28   4                                        Agent UID                                                                                                                                    gt***************************g
# 29   5                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                            BRANDY
# 30   5                              Reason for the Call                                                                                                                                                           payment
# 31   5            Recommendations/Troubleshooting Steps                                                                                                                                                                  
# 32   5                                       Resolution    explained card errorsrnasked for alt # but no goodrnoffered to use different card or refill cardrnsent qp linkrnshe will go to bank to check as per cx
# 33   5                                  Center Location                                                                                                                                                                  
# 34   5                                              CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 35   5 Credit Reason (If credit was applied to account)                                                                                                                                                                  
# 36   5                                        Agent UID                                                                                                                                    jq***************************n
# 37   6                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                             Leahi
# 38   6                              Reason for the Call billing issue / ******************.****************** dollars only orig. bill / due date shld be *********th / why ****************** now? / ctn change questions
# 39   6                                       Resolution                                                                                                                         explained bill / ctn change info provided
# 40   6                                  Center Location                                                                                                                                                                  
# 41   6                                       Clark  CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 42   6                                           Alt No                                                                                                                                                                  
# 43   6                                    Credit Reason                                                                                                                                                                  
# 44   6                                        Agent UID                                                                                                                   rc***************************w/I-K*********GMDR
# 45   7                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                           MICHAEL
# 46   7                              Reason for the Call                                                                                                                                                   ACCOUNT BAL INQ
# 47   7            Recommendations/Troubleshooting Steps                                                                                                                    *rnAccount verified and provided information
# 48   7                                       Resolution                                                *calling about the account statusrn*suspended due tornBBPrn*adv about BP policyrn*Provided payment options
# 49   7                                  Center Location                                                                                                                                                             Clark
# 50   7          CTN************************************                                                                                                                                                                  
# 51   7 Credit Reason (If credit was applied to account)                                                                                                                                                                  
# 52   7                                        Agent UID                                                                                                                                                       rc*********
# 53   8                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                          Kimberly
# 54   8                                              CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 55   8                                     Affected CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 56   8                                 Alternate Number                                                                                                                                                              none
# 57   8                              Reason for the Call                                                                                                                                   add mhs otc $******************
# 58   8                                       Resolution                                                                                                                                added mhs otc  $******************
# 59   8                                        Agent UID                                                                                                                                    gt***************************g
# 60   9                                              UNK                                                                                             auto pop / suspended linern-cx speaking spanishrn-transfered call
# 61  10                                    Customer Name                                                                                                                                                           TERRELL
# 62  10                              Reason for the Call                                                                                                                                                           payment
# 63  10            Recommendations/Troubleshooting Steps                                                                                                                                                                  
# 64  10                                       Resolution                                                                                                                               payment success  test and validated
# 65  10                                              CTN                                                                                                                              ************************************
# 66  10 Credit Reason (If credit was applied to account)                                                                                                                                                                  
# 67  10                                        Agent UID                                                                                                                                    jq***************************n
